And again the third of September: children of financiers went to school
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This time Knowledge Day with its ruler, bouquets, a call and bows fell on two dates: somewhere him marked out in the first day of fall, and somewhere — in the third. With what mood children and their parents — in ours obzore.


Tulubyev Pawel met academic year,
the board member, the client director Pochta of Banka

— At me is three children, and the senior — six-year-old Vanya — the first grader. At night before school it had a sleeplessness, and in the morning he told that very much wants to sleep. On what I honestly answered it: it now for the rest of life.

according to Vanya, he wants in school that to know everything and to be able, and in the classes "children sit and learn to read, write and consider". Also the son reported that dreams to become the scientist.


Lobova Galina,
the head of financial department PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY BANK ZENITH

— my daughter Sofya went to the first class. All our big family helped to gather it: elder sister Maslennikova Anastasiya, the first-year student of Baumanka, brothers — the fifth-grader Timofey and Stepan who did not grow to school yet, and also grandmothers and grandfathers. We approached to a choice of a bouquet, bows and a school portfolio seriously — bought the most beautiful!

In confidence the daughter told

to me that before school worries a little and wants to get somewhat quicker friends, and also to gain new knowledge. She for the present did not manage to choose a favourite subject, but thinks that it will be mathematics. Already now Sonechka very much loves figures, well considers and dreams to work in bank when will grow. So mother can be quiet for the future of the banking market in our country.


Letunov Sergei,
the chief of the department of economic protection of companies "Broker»

— went To the first class my son Georgy. He, of course, worries a little, but to us with mother promises to study as one five! And in general the son loves the exact sciences.


Maslennikova Anastasiya, the board member, the director of development electronic businesses Banka

— I allocated for
in the first class of Lomonosov school of the six-year-old son Melnikov Alexander. He very much waited for this moment and now hopes to learn a lot of the new.


Ya took an interest at Sasha why it so wants to start studying, and here that he told:

"I like to skate on roller-skaters, and at school love sports — there is a rhythmics therefore it is interesting. And my mother studied much: at first in a garden, then at school, at institute, then at work".


Nuzhdov Pawel,
the head of department savings, settlement
and commission products JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OTP BANK"

— We with the spouse saw off the son Roman in the first class. Its favourite subject — mathematics. Roma answered a question that waits for it in the first academic year, so:


"It is sure, at school it is exact better, than in a garden: there it is cheerful, and teachers will give marks. The only thing that it would not be desirable — that at school did an inoculation".


Yakushkina Catherina, the chief of the department of marketing of LLC INSURANCE COMPANY "SBERBANK STRAKHOVANIE ZHIZNI"

— my son Maxim school waited for
with interest. Curiosity to all new overcame in it fear of the first grader, and he with confidence put on a backpack and stepped over a school threshold. And here in the world of finance Maxim any more the beginner. From early age we study with it bases of financial literacy.

the Son already has own saved-up capital, and the main thing, is able to dispose rationally of it, estimating the cost and need of purchases. He knows basic financial instruments, the principles of insurance and even managed to visit a role of the manager in bank. All this conducts not only to receiving useful knowledge, but also to development ours with it the relations. We surely consult and we make financial solutions of a family together that increases trust and mutual respect.


Shaykhudinova Rima,
the top manager of corporate sales in management "Urals" LLC "KHKF bank"

— to my son Timur will be on September 19 seven years. This year it with pleasure went to the first class.

Here that Timur told

! And the first homework was pleasant especially to mother — to put on covers a workbook and the diary".


Oboymov Artem,
the HR director of companies "Broker»

— to my daughter Arina is nine years, we led her to the third class. Before it I asked that she would like this academic year.

"I go to new school therefore I wait many new friends and interesting events. And still I wait when my favourite mathematics" will be started over again.


Buryakov Denise, the managing director for depository activity of NRD

— I carried out
to school of two children: Buryakov Denise went to the third class, and Belikova Maria — to the second. The son shared: "I very much waited for the beginning of academic year to meet friends and the cool teacher. I very much like French, and I hope that on physical culture there will be classes in soccer".

And here that Belikova Maria thinks of the beginning of academic year: "It is a pity that vacation ended, but it is necessary to study. Though all of us were engaged summer on literature, mathematics and music, the father even home on the sea brought a piano from Moscow. I cannot while to understand, what subject is pleasant to me more, but this year I will teach strenuously to the mathematician then not to suffer! "


Belikova Maria,

— Together with the younger daughter we led ours to Gold to the third class. "It is a pity that the summer flew by so quickly, but it is very healthy to see again the friends — she told. — Most of all I love drawing, but good marks at me in all subjects. In free time I adore reading, helping mother and to play with a dog, and in the future I want to become the veterinarian".


Sorokin Gleb, the director of the department of operations in financial markets PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MTS-BANK"

— We with the wife Maslennikova Anastasiya saw off
on a ruler of three sons who study in a gymnasium No. 1558. Stepan went to the fifth class, its favourite subject — history. The eighth-grader Fedor is fond of English, and the ninth-grader Timofey loves Spanish.

This time we decided to join the charitable event "Children instead of Flowers" which the third year in a row carries out fund of the help to hospices "Belief". School students give its essence — to teachers only on one flower, and the funds saved on bouquets are transferred to support of seriously ill patients of wards of fund.


Tonkogubov Dimitri,
the director general companies "Investitsii»

— Today I too led children to school: the daughter Yakushkina Catherina — in the third class, the son Pospelov Mikhail — in the ninth. Yakushkina Catherina during the summer very much missed teachers and schoolmates. This year it plans to go to drama school and to be engaged in riding. Pospelov Mikhail sets as the purpose to be highly appreciated on state exams in the end of the year. It is fond of information technologies and studies programming. Is not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, it is strenuously restored after a last year's trauma that with all family to continue to ride mountain skiing.


Dreval Inga,
the trainer-methodologist LLC "KHKF bank"

— my oldest daughter Ksenia became a seventh-grader and went to new school as in the summer we moved. Certainly, before it she worried a little.

Ksenia told

: "I managed to get acquainted with several children and cool: some were pleasant to me, someone — not absolutely. I study as the fours and the five, I love mathematics, history, out of school — dances. I will be going to arrive in lyceum at MEPhI".

"I want

that new academic year was interesting and lessons set less. And that in a class there were relations with children".


Pospelov Mikhail,
the director of the department of client service of companies "Broker»

— my daughter Sofya went to the fifth class. In photos it not in a school uniform, and in a dancing suit because participated in festive action. She studies well, it is not a shame to parents. Gravitates not to exact, and to the humanities, is fond of dances, music and mountain skiing. This year in Sofya's schedule there will be absolutely new subjects with which she connected expectations something unusual.

Galina Lobov
Last position: Vice chairman of the board (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY BANK ZENITH)
Pavel Nuzhdov
Last position: Development director of transactional, passive and investment products (PJSC CB Vostochny)
Pavel Tulubyev
Last position: Commercial director (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MEGAFON")
Denise Buryakov
Last position: Managing director for depository activity (NON-COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION JOINT-STOCK COMPANY NRD)
Dmitry Tonkogubov
Main activity:Official