The employee of a colony Ministries of Internal Affairs amnestied after beating of the ex-head Baymaganbetov Serik

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Serik Baymaganbetov
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Operupolnomochenny which after became the duty assistant to the chief of a colony, beat Baymaganbetov Serik for refusal to march on a parade-ground

Almaty, 2 Sep — Sputnik. the Employee of a colony Ministries of Internal Affairs condemned for beating of the ex-minister Baymaganbetov Serik and reduced part of term on amnesty. In court the defendant did not recognize the fault and appealed against sentence according to the appeal.

According to court materials , incident took place in April, 2014 during inundated check in the AK-159/6 DUIS institution territory on Karaganda Region, Dolink located in the settlement.

"During march at Baymaganbetov Serik arterial pressure suddenly rose. Due to the deterioration of health Baymaganbetov Serik could not continue to march, and for this reason failed. Having approached to the assistant who was on a parade-ground on duty of the chief of establishment (further — DPNU), he reported about deterioration of a state of health, having asked for permission to pass in an establishment medical medical unit. Having got permission, Baymaganbetov Serik went towards a medical medical unit" — is spoken in a sentence the Shakhty city Karaganda Region.

Incident, according to data of judicial examination, happened at this moment.

"M. (the employee of a colony), having seen that Baymaganbetov Serik freely moves on the establishment territory, stopped it, and, being dissatisfied with its actions, obviously exceeding the power and powers of office, being on an establishment parade-ground, approached to Baymaganbetov Serik and defiantly with voices raised demanded it to return to a system and to continue to march together with others" — is spoken in the judicial document.

Baymaganbetov Serik the employee of a colony ignored

of the Explanation and burst in his address in obscene abuse.

"Further M. without wishing to accept an explanation Baymaganbetov Serik in attention, solved in any way to force the last to execute its requirements, realizing that its actions obviously go beyond the powers presented to it, being the official, using physical force for coercion Baymaganbetov Serik to implementation of the instructions, seized the last with one hand by overalls (pea jacket) and several times pulled it on itself and from itself. After that struck some blows with fists of both hands to a body Baymaganbetov Serik, having caused that to the last physical pain" — it is reported in a sentence.

the Ex-minister thus did not resist to

and did not try to run.

Also provide indications of the defendant who till April 17, 2014 held a position of the specialist operative on service of ShIZO and PKT of regime department of a colony. The man did not admit the guilt. searches belonged to its duties, withdrawal of the forbidden subjects control over observance condemned a daily routine. According to the defendant, he did not know Baymaganbetov Serik till May, 2014.

"Commission of the actions specified by the victim by it, namely drawing Baymaganbetov Serik blows in the presence of bulk condemned on a parade-ground, is excluded as it would cause revolt among condemned, and it could not allow it" — gives court the version of at that time accused.

From his words describe the first meeting with Baymaganbetov Serik which allegedly occurred in the middle of May, 2014:" Then it elicited the fact of violation of a local site Baymaganbetov Serik when that illegally got into a dining room without maintenance on what it was reported by the controler. It called the victim to itself(himself) in supervision — the room where Baymaganbetov Serik began it to threaten that in case of imposing on it disciplinary punishment, it will not work in establishment as it has "communications" in higher instances, was thus expressed by obscene abuse".

However, court considered collected proofs of fault of the employee of a colony sufficient for a conviction, and indications of the defendant about innocence are recognized not corresponding to the actual facts of the case.

So, similar indications about beating Baymaganbetov Serik distances more than two tens condemned which were that moment on a parade-ground.

From a sentence of vessels knows: investigation of incident stopped five times and renewed intervention.

"Moreover, the interrogated witnesses showed that throughout all pretrial investigation and during judicial proceedings … pressure was put upon them from the staff of institution by threats and arrangements to change indications … and which only after application of measures to them safety, to the provided Art. aty 97 Codes of criminal procedure (Federal law of the Russian Federation of 18 December 2001 No. 174-FZ "On the Criminal-Procedural Code of the Russian Federation") gave truthful evidences" — is reported in a sentence of vessels.

the Employee is found by

guilty under article 362 of the Criminal code "Excess of the power or powers of office". Court appointed to it five and a half years of imprisonment, however in connection with amnesty unexpired part of punishment reduced by a quarter and appointed four years, two months, 15 days of imprisonment in establishment of average safety.

Also from the condemned collected the procedural costs spent for production of judicial examinations, of 198 thousand tenges.

the Sentence was announced by

on May 29, 2018.

left the resolution of judicial board on criminal cases Karaganda Region by results of consideration of complaints the lawyer condemned On the Nineteenth of July.


it was left without changes.