Wallet failed therefore Google Inc. paid MasterCard for tracking of purchases in an offline

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From last year Google Inc. and at least MasterCard exchange data on purchases in an offline, found out information agency "Bloomberg". The parties agreed about data exchange of 4 years, however never spoke about the agreement publicly." People do not expect that their purchases in an offline are already connected with online" — Christine Bannan, the adviser of Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) human rights organization declared. The source of agency claims that Google Inc. and MasterCard divide the income from online advertizing. The press service of Google Inc. does not make comments on the arrangement with Payment system, however claims that data of buyers are depersonalized also personal information about online and an offline behavior is not available to anybody. The representative of MasterCard refused to discuss the transaction from Google Inc., but explained that as a whole Payment system is ready to help sellers and suppliers of services with measurements to "efficiency of advertizing campaigns".

One and a half years ago Google Inc., without mentioning MasterCard, started the Store Sales Measurement service (Measurement of sales of shop). Then the searcher got access to "approximately to 70%" all American plastic cards through unnamed partners. Today only 25% of purchases to United States of America are paid by cards of MasterCard, however competing Payment system refused to discuss a plot with agency. The press secretary of Google Inc. claims that the project is in a beta stage and is tested with small group of the American advertisers. Thus direct producers of goods are forbidden to connect online advertizing and tracking offline - sales, and it is authorized to retail shops. The platform allows advertisers to load into Google Inc. email addresses of the clients, in addition the searcher enriches data with data of third-party brokers, such as Experian plc and Acxiom Corp. which sell demographic and financial information for marketing specialists.

In last Google Inc. tried to connect cliques in online and purchases in offline shops by means of own Google Wallet (it is developed in cooperation with Citigroup and above-mentioned MasterCard), however the system did not receive great popularity — the representative of the searcher declared that Wallet was never used for advertizing efficiency measurement. Since 2014 "The history of locations" in Google Maps connects cliques according to announcements and visit corresponding an offline shop, however the searcher long time had no data on original purchases. In 2018 to change of Google Wallet came Google Pay, and own data on offlanovy behavior of clients of Google Inc. now supplements, at least, these MasterCard. Malkolm Christina, the director of iProspect advertizing agency told that direct link of purchases and clicks lifted advertizing efficiency for one of large advertisers approximately twice. Communication only with "Cards" brought in the income in $5,70 for everyone enclosed in Google Inc. advertizing dollar. Communication of advertizing and data from plastic cards — $10.60 for dollar.

At least since 2011 of Visa and MasterCard develop

and patent systems of targeting where the history of purchases, geography of made operations and other details is considered. 7 years ago Visa offered the data to advertizing platforms which enrich data on payments and purchases by additional data.

in the Spring of 2013 domestic JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TINKOFF BANK" offered to the market a retargeting with an option of the address to "competitors", in parallel in Tinkoff Digital developed RTB (Real Time Bidding) advertizing system, however later short time bank faced absence of the market of data on users, in particular bank was interested in data LLC "YANDEKS", but could not buy them. At the end of 2013 "Tinkoff" closed the platform. Now JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TINKOFF BANK" uses data on payments cards in advertizing system "Target's Tinkoff" with limited functionality — she allows the advertiser to make the keshbek-offer to potential clients.

in the Summer of 2016 LLC "YANDEKS" were started by the Audiences service, he allows advertisers to load email addresses, phones of the clients, and as classroom segments of external suppliers of data. From the 2017th by means of "Audiences" business can focus advertizing on clients in certain offline "Regions" of any form.

knew Today that "OFD Platform" (enters into group Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia") offered businessmen selection of an optimum place according to shop on the basis of data on purchases which collect more than 600 thousand cash desks over all country. The Habidatum "OFD Platform" partner company enriches data on the punched checks with data on operating outlets, offers in the real estate market in the set region and other data and selects a suitable place.

Malkolm Christina
Main activity:Science and education
Experian plc
JSC Tinkoff Bank
Main activity:Finance
Yandex LLC
Main activity:Communication and IT
PJSC Sberbank of Russia
Main activity:Finance
Manufactured by:Mastercard
Google Maps
Manufactured by:Google
Google Pay
Manufactured by:Google
Payment system