Today at meeting of Council of Veliky Novgorod deputies summed up the results of the activity during 2013-2018

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Council of Veliky Novgorod V convocation of the beginning the work on September 8, 2013. Today passed penultimate meeting of the Duma. One of the considered questions - results of work of Council of Veliky Novgorod the V convocation during 2013 — 2018

In the report the chairman Vladimir Timofeev noted that in 5 years of work 84 meetings of Council of Veliky Novgorod were held, from them 29 were extraordinary. Deputies submitted for consideration of the Duma 1041 drafts of decisions, 1522 decisions are made, 124 drafts of decisions are disqualified, rejected — 18.

Most socially significant for the population, according to the speaker, became the following decisions: "About modification of the decision of Council of Veliky Novgorod of 05.04.2011 No.   961 "About additional measures of social support of large families", "About measures of social support to pediatricians to district police officers and specialists doctors of the State Healthcare Institutions located in the territory of the city district Veliky Novgorod, in 2014", "About providing the right for acquisition of the preferential ticket on the drive in automobile and city land electric transport usings on routes of regular transportations to separate categories of citizens", "About tax on property of natural persons" and t. d … by

Council of Veliky Novgorod at meetings of the constant commissions it was made 506 legal decisions and instructions.
was actively conducted by Deputies work on formation of a package of the documents necessary for a start of reforms of local government in Veliky Novgorod, decisions on modification of the Charter Veliky Novgorod and Regulations of Council of Veliky Novgorod, and also the Provision on carrying out competitions to a position of Chapter City administration became basic of which.

Created for preliminary preparation and consideration of organizational questions of activity of a representative body held Duma council during 2013−2018 of 108 meetings.

For the reporting period passed 57 meetings of the commission on economy and finance, 61 meetings of the commission on social problems, 42 meetings of the commission on municipal economy, 70 meetings of the commission on the legislation and to local government, 54 meetings of the commission on housing, to architecture and land use. Besides, passed 56 joint meetings of the constant commissions of the Duma. Their subjects became: the situation which has developed in connection with construction in the territory Veliky Novgorod by shopping and recreation center "Fruit jelly", execution by Administration of the Veliky Novgorod city judgments on building of the second turn of the range of TBO and capital repairs apartment houses and other questions.

Is made 19 decisions on providing municipal preference to individual entrepreneurs for the purpose of support of subjects of small and average businesses.

In 5 years in Council of Veliky Novgorod arrived 1785 addresses of citizens, the organizations, public associations which were considered in the order established by the Federal legislation.

B at Council of Veliky Novgorod were for the first time created 2014 consultative advisory bodies — Public and Expert Councils. The public council held 21 meetings and at the request of Council of Veliky Novgorod prepared 11 expert and analytical conclusions according to drafts of decisions of Council of Veliky Novgorod.

In April, 2015 was created the first structure of Youth chamber at Council of Veliky Novgorod.

at the initiative of Public council in 2017 at Council of Veliky Novgorod began work debatable club "Veliky Novgorod" which became the open area for comprehensive discussion and the qualified and objective assessment of the most actual problems of social and economic and political developments the cities.

the City toponymic commission held 18 meetings. Assignment of names to 11 streets, 8 lanes, 1 grove, 1 bridge, 1 area, 2 parks and 12 squares became result of work of the commission. Inhabitants began to be involved in work of the city toponymic commission Veliky Novgorod. The appropriated names of squares and parks are received following the results of vote and discussion on a site of the Duma and a site of local weekly newspaper "Novgorod".

for operating time of the fifth convocation was carried out by the Decision of Council of Veliky Novgorod — the city district Veliky Novgorod.

for the reporting period is carried out by Deputies of the Duma of 3967 personal receptions of citizens in departments centers of work with the population in a residence, departments of residential districts, in public receptions and offices of political parties.

Completely the fifth convocation it is possible to study information on work of Council of Veliky Novgorod the fifth convocation will pass the Last meeting of Council of Veliky Novgorod