"Turboat" shipped the oversized equipment for Open joint-stock company "Dnestrovskaya GAES"

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to hydrostation of part of the bottom ring, resistance of a thrust bearing and a board of a ring lock, and also dimensional details. we Will remind

that in May, 2018 specialists of JSC "Turboatom" made, handed over to the customer and Open joint-stock company "Dnestrovskaya GAES" according to conditions of contract shipped the equipment of the water-wheel for the fourth hydrounit.

during the first stage "Turboatom" put small by the size of a detail of the equipment among which there were shovels of the directing device. For this purpose 20 cars were required.

On Open joint-stock company "Dnestrovskaya GAES" installed the return radial-axial OPO170-B-730 hydrocars of productions to JSC "Turboatom". The plant already made and put a complete set of the equipment of three turbines. The maximum power of units in a turbine mode makes 390 MWt, in the pump - 420 MWt.

Construction of the last at present the unit came to the end in December, 2015, and in June, 2016 start-up of the first stage of construction Open joint-stock company "Dnestrovskaya GAES" as a part of three units was made. The fourth hydrounit is at a production stage. Start-up of the turbine is planned for 2019.