Chairman of State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia Chibirkin Vladimir: "Every year the number of first graders increases, young teachers come to work!"

@Stolitsa S
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Vladimir Chibirkin noted that every year the number of first graders in Mordovia only increases. Photo: Yulia Chestnova (Capital C)
Chibirkin Vladimir noted that every year the number of first graders to Republic of Mordovia only increases. Photo: Chestnova Julia (the Capital C)
in Saransk came to the end on August 29 with

the stock "Hi, School" which 10 years pass under patronage of the Mordovian regional office of "United Russia" Party, State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia, Council of deputies, the ministry of a social security of RM, the Russian FUND MILOSERDIYA I ZDOROVYA", Federations of labor unions, and also individual entrepreneurs. In its framework carries out collecting school accessories to first graders from needy and large families. The chairman of State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia Chibirkin Vladimir handed over gifts to one hundred schoolboys.

He wished

to teenagers all the best, good study, reliable knowledge and emphasized that in the sphere of educations the republics occurred essential positive changes. "Every year new schools open — Chibirkin Vladimir told. — This year the doors will be opened by new schools in Saransk and Ruzayevka. Construction of new educational institutions in the capital Republic of Mordovia, the Zubovy Glade and gorod Krasnoslobodsk proceeds. All schools are equipped with the modern equipment and completed with textbooks. Every year the number of first graders increases, young teachers" come to work.

of First graders LLC "AGROHOLDING "NOVOTROITSKY" Vladimir Ruzhenkov, the director children's food station Kireev Sergei congratulated the chairman of Federation of labor unions Borisov Sergei, the deputy minister of social protection, work and employment of the population of RM Shuvalova Svetlana, the Director.

Gifts to children were handed over by representatives of the organizations sponsors of an action. The concert program was prepared by creative staff of Edelveys show group and the State puppet theater.

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