Since September 1 in Petropavlovsk journey will rise in price for five rubles in shuttle buses

@IA "Kam 24"
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B Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky since September 1 will grow fare in shuttle buses. The owner of vehicle fleet explained price increase with growth of costs.

Now in city minibuses journey costs from 7:00 till 17:00 25 rubles, after five o'clock in the evening fare increases to 30 rubles. Since September 1 the trip in a shuttle bus will cost 30 rubles throughout the day.

In Petropavlovsk passenger traffic in shuttle buses are carried out by SP Grinchuk Yvan. As the owner of vehicle fleet explained Kam 24 news agency, change of fare is connected with growth of costs.

"gasoline rose in price in the spring. Now the dollar rate, and all spare parts to minibuses import therefore also they rise in price grows. In this regard I am compelled to raise the ticket price", – Grinchuk Yvan told the journalist of news agency.


As were reported by Kam 24 news agency , since September 1 journey will rise in price for two rubles (to 27 rubles for a trip) and in regular city buses.