The 18th Asian games - Chinese "the flying sprinter" Bingtian SU - the new king at a 100-meter distance to Asia

@IA Sin'hua
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Beijing, 27 August/Xinhua / - on August 26, 2018 on passing in Jakarta / Indonesia / the 18th Asian games in final man's running on a distance of 100 m "the flying sprinter" from China showed to SU of Bingtian result of 9,92 seconds, having established a new record of games. In June of this year of Bingtian SU at a stage of a series of Международная association легкоатлетических федераций World Challenge in Madrid and at a stage of Diamond league in Paris twice within 9 days repeated a record Asia, equal 9,91 seconds. It means that now Bintyanya it is possible for SU by the right to consider as the king at a 100-meter distance to Asia. (information agency "Sinkhua")