New page of the Ural animation

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Yesterday in Pervouralsk the largest opened in the Urals animation studio. Photo: Vladimir Martyanov

in Pervouralsk opened Yesterday the largest in the Urals animation studio. Photo: Martyanov Vladimir

On Monday in the Innovative Cultural Center (ICC) Pervouralsk the ceremonial opening of Studio of animation took place. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this event, after all on its creation some years left. In fact, it has to become the new center of the Ural animation, as once Sverdlovskaya kinostudiya.

That in the new Innovative cultural center Sverdlovsk Region the whole two floors will give

for animation Studio, it was clear long ago – since the concept of IKTs was approved. But here its opening was postponed some years – start of work of Studio at first planned for 2016, then for the 2017th. Promised it was necessary to wait just three years. But it is that case when haste could ruin the project simply. After all on Studio of animation are laid hopes very much.

Gold time of Sverdlovsk animation: of the past to the present

On Sverdlovskaya kinostudiya Association of art animation appeared in 1973. The first movies were created on the works of Mamin-Sibiryak and of Bazhov . By eightieth years Sverdlovsk animation knew already far outside area, and it was possible to distinguish it not only on the "Ural" plots, but also on intonation, style, equipment.

Directors, artists, animators worked as

as at factory, passing from the project to the project. It was system approach thanks to which appeared both large-scale works, and the remarkable independent film. In the 90th Ural animation gained not only the Russian recognition, but also world. So, in 1990 Alexander Petrov is nominated for "Oscar" with the picture "Cow" by Petrov Alexander receives "Golden Palm" of International Cannes Film Festival. Animation of Karaev Aleksey – "Welcome" and "Residents of the old house" – received the Grand Prix and the first prizes of the international festivals. Such names as Cherkasova Oksana, Petkevich Vladimir, Sergei Aynutdinov were the card of animation of our country.

motion capture Before us "motion capture" studio – digital system which by means of sensors carries out capture of the three-dimensional image. Once in animation already there was a similar reception – the scene was lost by actors, and then the artist drew it. Now everything is much simpler. Photo: Whether Martyanov Vladimir

Should say that the former glory of the Ural animation is closer to the 2000th because of a difficult situation on Sverdlovskaya kinostudiya started dying away. There was no necessary centralized force – directors, animators dispersed on small private studios where everyone tried to survive as could, being interrupted by small projects. Anybody had no confidence in tomorrow. Certainly, in such realities to speak about large projects – series, feature films – it was not necessary.

I so was practically over all country. Perhaps, the first managed to leave crisis Petersburg studio "Melnitsa" where there was a legendary animated saga about three athletes and many other things, further the state actively undertook "Soyuzmultfilm" revival. Now our turn as the new Studio of animation and has to become that the center which is bringing together round experts who can came and will raise at serious works.


Here the studio of visual effects (that up-to-date equipment) so works - on a tablet the artist draws as on paper, and the special program allows to carry out any tasks of creation 2D and 3D of animation. Photo: Martyanov Vladimir

the Pervouralsk film studio

Especially as big names in area is and today - Bisyarina Nina, Budanova  Anna, Chernysheva Natalia . Each of these authors does movies which very much highly appreciate around the world. Also it would be desirable that the new Studio of animation was interesting to directors of such level.

When the project of Studio of animation was still discussed by

, there were offers on the same platform to create and the animation museum. Over time it was necessary to refuse this idea, organizers understood that to concentrate while it is necessary on something one therefore the choice was made in favor of laboratory, that is practice. Probably, it will be possible to return to the museum later, and most likely it will be a multimedia format.


A at the first stage in Studio of animation will train children. More precisely, already train – the first occupation took place on August 21. Professional animators, directors work with children. During opening of Studio of animation just there was an occupation – in group of 8 people from 5 to 12 years, children almost did not pay attention to guests – so they were keen. With this group the animator of Lapshina Helena is engaged.

– For young animators in Studio created all necessary conditions – a hardware, comfort, – shows a new class Guseva Helena. – Our pupils work at the special prosvetny tables which have been thought up for drawing of animated cartoons. There is a computer where they can look at already ready scenes. Further we plan to gather one more such group. While we take all children, without casting. All of them like to draw, but some do not maintain – it is necessary to draw here very much and much, and the major role is played by assiduity. Therefore there are only those to whom it is rather interesting.


But children's animation in Studio will not be limited. The following set will be declared already for students and even university graduates. It would seem, to that to learn adults? The matter is that in Studio of animation such equipment is delivered, to work on which everything dream, but the few are able.

– the Equipment here up-to-date – the special program, tablets and so on, – are told by the animator of Studio Guseva Helena , – without preparation not to consult. But it gives very great opportunities, including to do full meter and to remove created to the wide screen. To Russian Federation only three studios (all in Moscow) where there is such equipment. Many work at analogs, but they simpler – and quality concedes many times, and terms others. To us, I will honestly tell, too it was frightening to be risen to such equipment, it is big responsibility, but also huge pleasure.

That it became more clear than

, at animation Studio in IKTs it is possible to undertake quietly full-length pictures, series, festival works, advertizing – anything. Whereas the majority of studios in the country are limited only to work on children's animation. By the way, such equipment is not present even at the well-known studio "Melnitsa" therefore Ural residents have a fine opportunity posopernichat with large competitors.

At opening of Studio of animation the deputy governor Sverdlovsk Region Krekov Pawel for fun called it the Pervouralsk film studio. Well, everything can be, after all conditions are for this purpose created: modern video assembly, the "motion capture" studio, allowing to master unique technology "movement capture", an audioequipment room for record and sound data that at the exit movies met all modern requirements, studio of visual effects. Understanding, what amounts of works can be carried out here, even bought one more server.

further it is planned to start and "the second turn" – one more floor of IKTs will be given for studio of the recovered painting of sand.

To equipment no questions can be – the studio is completed with the most up-to-date equipment. And here with human resources not everything was clear. After all professionals of this sphere generally live in Yekaterinburg.

– I from Yekaterinburg, also wake up in 5:30 mornings here to get, – Guseva Helena speaks. – But when to me suggested to work here, I did not doubt at all because I know that here can achieve in respect of cinema. On such equipment the movies receiving "Oscar" became … And we have big ambitions. Especially as the team is selected the very serious.

all staff of Studio of animation holds

of Such opinion practically, besides, many see the solution of this problem in corporate transport.


– Me up to the end it is not believed that opening happened, – the art director of Studio of animation Sergei Aynutdinov speaks. – Potential at us very big, is where seriously to develop. I hope that we at last had an animation center. The last years our directors, animators went to other cities where there was an opportunity to work. Let's believe that now the situation will change.

Need to be added only that for the region it is the best gift which could be received in Day of the Russian cinema.

By the way

on August 25 there took place the All-Russian action "Night of Cinema". 114 platforms Sverdlovsk Region brought together more than 26 500 people this year.

  • It is published in No. 154 of 28.08.2018

Aleksey Kharitidi
Last position: Animator, director of animation
Sergei Aynutdinov
Last position: Chairman of the board (Yekaterinburg city regional branch office All-Russian creative Public organization "selkhoz Russia")
Martyanov Vladimir
Petrov Alexander
Karaev Aleksey
Sverdlovskaya kinostudiya