"Lyubka-golubka" and others: the plant of the Tyumen authorities bragged of a vodka creative

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the Tyumen plant of Benat alcoholic products which for 80 percent belongs to area, presented new brands of vodka. Plan to bring them to the market at the beginning of 2019. It is a question of the brands "Lyubka-golubka", "Zhazhda", "Nevesta dekabrista", "Krepkiye dumki". Demands for registration of names now are in Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Bride of the Decembrist vodka is already registered.

the Contract on development of brands was signed by

in April, 2018. Advertizing agency which undertook creation of labels and the market analysis – "Agency Kauffman". The sum of contracts – 1,5 million rubles according to a site of government purchases, reports "New Day".

On Friday, August 24, the founder of Stanislas Yanovich Kaufman (developed also others, better known, vodka brands) reported to the edition newspaper "Kommersant" that new brands can be brought not only on regional, but also to federal level. According to the marketing specialist, vodka will be presented on the average a price segment.

Meanwhile specialists brand ambiguously are estimated by new names, noting that they hardly will attract buyers from a segment "average" and "average plus". "Names of the Tyumen vodka are focused on a segment below an average. "Thirst" is a direct analogy to expression "pipes burn". "Lyubka-golubka" – in general without comments. At best the speech about the bartender. But "an average minus" production will make success in a segment, I think, – the director of development told "New Day" Group OF Companies "Nyuton" Khizhnyakova Tatyana . – Russian pinap is now very widespread. Joyful pictures from the Soviet past – girls with a bust, the Crimean coast, gallant mechanics. This combination of nostalgia on the Soviet past and the western luster to which the category of a low segment is sensitive. The Tyumen vodka from the same series. Who now in senses calls Lyubkoy-golubkaya's lady? ".

we Will note

, according to these Government of Tyumen region for July 1, 2018, 82,2 percent of shares of Benat plant belongs to the region. The enterprise was redeemed from the private owner through an additional issue. Its volume – 370 million rubles.

Tyumen, service of information