Биг-эйр в Кардроне: Таталина и Прусакова стартуют в финалах

В новозеландской Кардроне стартовал Чемпионат мира по фристайлу среди юниоров – первый крупный старт FIS сезона фристайла 2018/19...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Federation of freestyle of Russia» , more details in our Terms of Service
Anastasia Tatalina
Last position: The professional athlete of Russian national team on freestyle ("FEDERATSIYA FRISTAYLA RUSSIA"; "BRANCH OF FUND FOR DEVELOPMENT")
Kelly Sildaru
Last position: The professional athlete on freestyle
Valeria Demidova
Last position: The professional athlete on ski sports
Prusakova Lana