To Money showed road

@Kuban' segodnja
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At the 58th emergency meeting Krasnodar City Council which was held by its chairman Galushko Vera, deputies coordinated very important question for the city: allocation of financial means on design of road infrastructure. Money which were allocated in addition by Administration of Krasnodar Krai, go for design and exploration work on creation of new highways and outcomes.

this year the volume of financial means makes

of 150 million rubles, from them 127,5 million rubles — are regional subsidies, and the rest — joint financing from budgets Krasnodar. Money will be directed on design of the outcome, connecting Tikhoretskaya Street and Volodarsky, and also on project creation on reconstruction and construction of several sites of the streets adjoining this transport knot. New objects represent a transport corridor to federal highways M4 "Don" which will allow to improve considerably transport infrastructure of all east part Krasnodar. Besides experts will start design of construction of highways down the street Garden — from the World to Moscow.

the Second question which was considered by deputies at an emergency meeting of City Council, concerned modification of the master plan of the city connected with construction of school and child care preschool educational institution in the settlement Industrial Prikubansky okrug.

— the Builder prepared the site planning, included in it building of these objects, and now it is necessary to give the chance to it to leave with the project and to approve the plan taking into account school and kindergarten construction — the chairman of City Council Galushko Vera specified.

As well as on the first question, deputies unanimously voted for modification of the master plan taking into account its adjustment.

Musaev Mikhail


Vadim Aleksandrovich Dyachenko, chairman of committee on the financial and budgetary and tax policy:

— the Allocated Administration kraya means will allow to start immediately design of new road outcomes and highways in Krasnodar, and this big program will start being realized since January first, 2019. After the carried-out design and exploration work building of objects in the subsequent is necessary some years. In 2019 on design in the city budget it is provided 119 million rubles, from which more than 100 million — it means regional budgets.

Aleksey Ivanovich Tyshchenko, vice-chairman of committee on property, privatization, land management, town-planning and architectural activity:

— the Decision which has been unanimously approved by deputies of City Council, allows the builder to carry out freely the site planning which will include social objects: school and child care preschool educational institution in the settlement Industrial Prikubansky okrug. According to guarantee certificates, the owner of ten land plots after the end of design of these objects will transfer them together with school and kindergarten to municipal property gratuitously.