The authorities Republic of Ingushetia and Republic of North Ossetia-Alania carried out agricultural fair in the Suburb

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NIA-Kuban during week-end on the eve of a Muslim holiday Kurban Bairam of the power of two adjoining republics – Republic of Ingushetia and Republic of North Ossetia-Alania – carried out agricultural fair for inhabitants of the Suburb. Action in the village Country took place with support of the Ministry of affairs of nationalities of two republics with participation of heads of agrarian departments Republic of Ingushetia and Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Gagiev Mukhamed and Vaziev Kazbek.


the production at the prices below market for 15-20% was presented by more than 45 enterprises and individual entrepreneurs from both parties.

according to the head of Ministry on external relations, national policy, Press and information Republic of Ingushetia Muslim Yandiev, for this territory are a sign event. Already by a dinner the platform was visited by more than one thousand people. Thanks to reduced price, a large number of agricultural products was sold to one o'clock in the afternoon. By that moment 30 tons of wheat, 50 sheep were already realized. Besides, as Muslim Yandiev noted, apples from the largest in Europe the agro-industrial enterprise LLC "SAD-GIGANT REPUBLIC OF INGUSHETIA", and also vegetables, honey, cheeses, others products, presented by the Ingush and Ossetian businessmen were in special demand. "Live communication of the population became the main achievement of action: the Ossetian and Ingushs", - the head noted Minnats RI.

Guests of honor of fair also became Ministers of Agriculture and ministers of affairs of nationalities of both republics, the head of MO "Suburb" Gagloev Alan, elders from all villages of the area, the head of administrations, and also imams of settlements. "Very much the festive atmosphere pleased, people welcomed this communication. In my opinion, such positive actions pull together our people, give the chance to discuss various vital issues directly at fair", - Muslim Yandiev noted. - People came to get something, to resemble, walk, simply alive, among malls, to communicate to ministers. In Kurban Bairam threshold these steps to rapprochement of our people of the post-conflict period are especially valuable".

according to the Minister, administrations of both republics agreed to continue similar practicians. "We will approach to it more professionally, I remained is happy that saw, and the main thing - people there remained are happy", - the head concluded Minnats RI.