The X anniversary International children's creative NucKids-2018 project came to the end

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in Moscow came to the end on August 16, 2018 with display the International children's creative NucKids-2018 project which this year celebrates 10-year anniversary.
of Halls of capital theater Et Cetera it was overflowed by friends and relatives of participants of the project, and also representatives of the nuclear enterprises from Moscow and Moscow Region. The Moscow audience with a great interest apprehended the colourful statement full of bright musical compositions and memorable choreography. The public very emotionally welcomed young actors. At the end of display participants of former years, including the winner of the show "Voice", the student of School-Studio Mkhat Antonyuk Darya also.
this year in statement were involved the 56th participant from Russian Federation and 24 their contemporaries from foreign countries which presented to Bangladesh, Belarus, United Kingdom, Hungary, Egypt, India, China, Turkey and Croatia. Of the musical, as before, are at the head the production director Karabanov Vladimir and the choreographer Nedolechko Maxime. Ustimenko Helena, and the composer – Yefimov Ilya became a vocal teacher again. Scenery for the musical "Roll of Lomonosov" were created by Shchaev Andrey, and suits – Vologzhanina Ian.

to Displays in Moscow were preceded on August 15 and 16 by a premiere to Hungary, in Szekszard which took place on August 4. Then participants of the NucKids-2018 project were transported to Ozyorsk where the musical was shown on August 9. Then NucKids went to Snezhinsk. "Displays took place in Snezhinsk noted.
For the reference:
of NucKids (Nuclear Kids) - the international charitable children's creative project of Department of communications of State corporation State corporation "Rosatom". The main objective is strengthening of friendly relations between children of staff of the nuclear enterprises. Within the project the group of talented children who under the leadership of adults put the original colourful musical is selected every year. Over musical creation together with them known directors, composers, choreographers, professional teachers work. During existence of the project with it cooperated Milyavskaya Lolita, Helena Kiper, Bikbaev Dimitri, Donskaya Yuliana, Aleksey Borisovich Frandetti, Lanskaya Valeria, Kuzin Kirill, Karabanov Vladimir, Nedolechko Maxime, Safonov Pawel and many others. The scenario and music for the musical are written specially every year and are original. In 2009 statement was called as "Nuclear Kids", in 2010 participants of the project delivered the musical "To Idi and look", in 2011 there was "Freedom bunker", in 2012 – "Mechta Station, in 2013 – "We", in 2014 – "Childhood labyrinths", in 2015 – "Ask Rutherford", in 2016 – "Visionaries of the XXI century", in 2017 – "Simply summer rain".
the Rehearsal part of the project started on July 5, 2018 in County of Tolna (Hungary). The main rehearsal period of statement of performance this time took 23 days.
Aleksey Borisovich Frandetti
Last position: Chief director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moscow city State theater "Lenkom")
Helena Kiper
Antonyuk Darya
Karabanov Vladimir
Nedolechko Maxime
State corporation "Rosatom"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Shkola-studiya Mkhat
Main activity:Culture and sports