In Belgorod on Zaslonov Konstantin the sidewalk laid closely to the house

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When the host on Zaslonov Konstantin, 8 appeared in hospital, and his wife looked after him, repair sidewalks on the street began. As a result the sidewalk laid closely to the house, any gap did not leave. And now after such repairs the house began to become wet, and on walls from dampness wall-paper creeps away and the fungus is got.

Residents addressed in committee on management Vostochny okrug City administration, there decided that will carry out works on transfer of the sidewalk on 0,5 meters as soon as will find investors. But the sponsor did not find.
Were going to consider a question in 2018, planned works for July of this year, however the owner and lives in the house which becomes wet from rains. Dismantle cost according to the letter makes about 150 thousand rubles of committee.

In City administration promised in August of this year to dewater from a household as soon as weather will allow. However and this work was not carried out yet. On this fact we will prepare inquiry in prosecutor's office Belgorod.

Zaslonov Konstantin
City administration
Government Agency