Day is celebrated on August 17, 2018 by several interesting national and international holidays

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Put on August 17, 2018 it is rich on festive and memorials. This day to Russian Federation note creation ALL-RUSSIAN SOCIETY OF DISABLED PEOPLE, and also Avdotya Malinovka's national holiday. To Slovenia celebrate Day of reunion of Prekmurya with the maternal people. In Argentina celebrate Day of memory Region of San Martin, and to Indonesia and Gabon – the Independence Day.

To Russian Federation celebrate Day of creation ALL-RUSSIAN SOCIETY OF DISABLED PEOPLE on August 17

ALL-RUSSIAN SOCIETY OF DISABLED PEOPLE was created on August 17, 1988 for the purpose of support of one of the most vulnerable sectors of society – the people who have lost ability to work because of an illness, an old age or the transferred trauma.

Main goals of creation of society are:

  • the help to disabled people with socialization and adaptation in society;
  • providing disabled people with medicines and means on rehabilitation;
  • protection of the civil rights and freedoms of disabled people Russian Federation;
  • cooperation with the similar organizations around the world.

In day of a holiday over all country there take place actions and actions in support of disabled people. At forums and meetings of public organizations discuss actual problems of this segment of the population and ways of their decision. This day pass medical conferences where experts can share experience, and also examine new techniques of treatment and rehabilitation of disabled people.

Activists and volunteers visit disabled people to learn about their requirements and needs. The charitable organizations transfer to disabled people medicines and necessary household accessories.

Avdotya Malinovka's National holiday note on August 17, 2018

Annually on August 17 to Russian Federation celebrate Avdotya Malinovka's which has received the name because of a generous crop of raspberry the national holiday, keeping up in this time. The holiday received other name "Ogurechnitsa" because of tradition these days to reap the last crop of cucumbers and tomatoes, and to preserve them for the winter. Was considered that the vegetables ripening later, will be not such tasty and even can taste bitter. Damp weather often led at this time to rotting of untidy hay from fields that gave one more name to a holiday – "Senognoyka".

the Orthodox church devotes to

According to national signs, weather this day indicates what will be the coming fall. Hot and stuffy day foretells incessant rains in November. The abundance of raspberry speaks about a rich crop of wheat and a rye.

Slovenes celebrate on August 17, 2018 reunion of the province of Prekmurye with the maternal people

Annually on August 17 to Slovenia celebrate the important event which has had impact on formation of the state. This day there was a reunion of the people of the remote provinces to the homeland. Prekmurye's region is located in the northeast today's Slovenia. These fertile lands are stretched along the river bank of Moura. The capital of the region is Murska Sobota.

Many centuries the region was under the power of strangers. At first Prekmurye was a part of the Hungarian kingdom. After battle at Mokhache in 1526, it passed under the power Gabsburgov. When in 1918 the monarchy fell, in Prekmurye tried to create the Soviet Republic which existed only six days.

under pressure of world community after peace conference in Paris, the power in the region in 1919 passed to Yugoslavia as a part of which Murskaya Sobota was up to office Slovenia. Since 2005 reunion of the people is an official holiday which is widely celebrated by Slovenes of Prikmurya.

Other national holidays of people of the world on August 17, 2018

Every year on August 17 in Argentina celebrate Day of memory of one of the most known politicians of the country — José Region of San Martin. The general was one of heads of national liberation movement in the Spanish colonies Latin America. It became the national hero of the country and the first head of Government Republics of Peru, after finding of independence by it.

Annually on August 17 the Independence Day of the state France, and also Indonesia, got rid of centuries-old controls Netherlands, and after – Japan note Gabon, received freedom from protectorate. In the middle of the 20th century these countries received freedom and could become on an independent way of developments.