The resident of Voronezh appeared as a part of expedition of the climbers who were lost after conquest of top "Communism Peak". That it is known of it

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The resident of Voronezh appeared as a part of expedition of the climbers who were lost after conquest of top

Incident occurred in the second half on August 12. Rescuers took off to them to the aid only this morning.

"Communism Peak" — it is the highest top in the territory of the former USSR. It is in northwest part of Pamir. Top opened in 1928. To 1962 it called "Stalin's Peak", then the top was renamed into "Communism Peak". Its height makes 7 495 meters. In 1999 top called "Ismail Somoni's Peak" — in honor of the founder of the first state of Tajiks.

Tourists for an ascension on the mountain come to Dushanbe, from where reach basic camp. It is located at the height of 4200 meters above sea level. Round cost — — makes 28 days 2500 dollars.

— Height of "Communism Peak" exceeds a mark of 7000 meters and the ascension on this peak is already classified as high-rise. By the way, locals call "Communism Peak" — "Ouse-tergi" that means "Turns the head". Really, its top — a hall of a heavenly monastery so dizziness here governed, instead of an exception — it is spoken in the description to of a route of expedition . — Route of an ascension technically enough difficult and existence of such artful factors as unpredictable weather and the pressing height, can play a crucial role in success or a failure of your expedition. For successful achievement of the purpose are required not only good physical preparation, but also the corresponding equipment and, certainly, competent acclimatization.

the Climber Barabanov Timur was as a part of expedition. 13 more climbers entered it from Russian Federation, the Belarusian and the Spaniard. By helicopter three crew members flied. When the group of climbers came back to basic camp, having subdued "Communism Peak", pilots of "MI-8" did not manage to drive and allowed rigid landing.

to the place of state of emergency there arrived two helicopters of Ministry po delam grazhdanskoy oborony, to emergency situations and Republic natural disaster response Tajikistan. They evacuated climbers in a safe place. Doctors give them help.

Barabanov Timur had 15-year length of service in mountains, the candidate for the master of sports on mountaineering and rock-climbing, the mountaineering instructor, the board member of BPOO "Sportivnaya Federatsiya Alpinizma".

— Among victims were Barabanov Timur, Abrosimov Alexander and Tarakanov Ruslan — the representative of committee declared information agency "ITAR-TASS".

According to him, two citizens Tajikistan — crew members also were lost.

Oseeva Olga