Bliznetsy-salafity reported about act of terrorism and beat police officers to gorod Aktobe

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Dvoye brothers were in a condition of drug intoxication, at detention one of them tried to disappear

Astana, 16 Aug — Sputnik. To gorod Aktobe the twin brothers sharing extreme views are detained, reported in the press service of Ministry internal affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan.

As told in the department, on July 29 one of brothers called on phone 102 and reported about allegedly preparing.

Police officers calculated the address, the call from where arrived, and found on a place of the applicant and his twin brother.

"They were in a condition of drug intoxication and anything could not explain, but showed resistance in attempt to deliver their special receiver for administrative detention. One of brothers tried to disappear and put injuries to two employees of the Aktyubinsk Department of Internal Affairs" — told in the press service Ministries of Internal Affairs.

Also as a result of check in behavior of the detained brothers revealed commitment signs to destructive dogma of salafitsky sense.

by data, concerning detainees made protocol an administrative offense for the small hooliganism, responsibility under article of 380 parts of 1 Criminal code — violence application concerning the authority is imputed to man who has also beaten police officers.


O initiation of legal proceedings under article 273 (obviously untrue report on the terrorism act) or under other articles it is not reported.

Business of the teacher Pak Youri

we Will note

that under this article in 2016 the teacher of physics from Pak Youri for two years of imprisonment was condemned.

On the Tenth of March, 2017 to Pak Youri reduced term by a quarter on amnesties, and on June 1, 2017 court satisfied the petition of the lawyer Pak Youri Kim Sergei about replacement of unexpired part of term of his principal by a penalty. The court decision entered validity on June 17 last year. Pak Youri was released.

Pak Youri submitted on August 14, 2018 to

the cassation complaint in in which asks to understand business and to recognize his innocence.