More than 6 thousand businessmen will visit "Territories businesses" in Moscow

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Moscow, on August 14, Russian information agency "FederalPress". More than 6200 representatives of small and medium business will gather on a forum.

B Moscow on August 27 in Crocus City Hall there will take place a forum "the Territory businesses". Action will take place for businessmen situated near Moscow. The press service reports about it.

more than 6200 representatives of small and medium business will gather On a forum. It is noted that as the organizer the university and business school "Synergy" acts with support of Government of Moscow region.

This action is directed to

on support of enterprise initiatives and assistance to development businesses in Moscow oboasti. Creation of special economic zones, improvement of investment climate, and also attraction of investments become key subjects. All participants of a forum will receive instruments of successful start and conducting the business from practicing experts, information on didzhital-advance and personal efficiency.


It is specified that as speakers of a forum owners of the large Russian and international companies, leaders of opinions in the sphere businesses and representatives of public sector will act. At present, among the experts who have confirmed the participation – the film director and the producer Timur Bekmambetov, the president Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki" Aleksandr Shokhin, the founder of a brand of Natura Siberica Trubnikov Andrey, general director PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VYSOCHAYSHY" Herman Pikhoya and others.

besides, at a forum will organize thematic interactive zones, such as the Export workshop, Netvorking, the Co-working center "Start", the Franchasing workshop and ZOZh.

Russian information agency "FederalPress" reminds that Putin and Turchak visited a youth educational forum "Mashuk" in Pyatigorsk .