Asia Times: China and Central Asia can become the following purpose of Islamists

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For Beijing return of dzhikhadist can change a situation in the sphere of safety in the Xinjiang-Uigur autonomous area and other part China

China will watch closely a counter-terrorist operation of the Syrian governmental army to northwest Governorate of Idlib, which special envoy President of the United States on fight against "The Islamic state" (the organization which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) Brett Makgerk called "the biggest shelter for "Al-Qaeda" (the organization which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation)" from the moment of acts of terrorism on September 11, writes Leane Christina in article for the Asia Times edition.

Danger for China and the countries Central Asia is that a large number of the Uzbek and Chinese Uigur fighters can back return to the countries. For Beijing return of dzhikhadist can change a situation in the sphere of safety in the Xinjiang-Uigur autonomous area and other part China.

In the recent article Khoup Dzhozef , published by Jamestown fund — the American non-governmental research organization, are brought arguments of that the Uigur fighters who were taking part in operations to Syrie, consider China the following purpose.

at the beginning of 2017 of IGIL (the organization, which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) were let out by video in which the group of Uyghurs threatened China. Threats proceeded as well from the Islamic private military companies (ChVK) of Malhama Tactical which prepares various groups of dzhikhadist in Governorate of Idlib. According to Jamestown fund, Malhama Tactical actively offers the services to Uyghurs from the Xinjiang-Uigur autonomous area.

of Malhama are meant by "Armageddon". Fighters of Malhama Tactical are well armed and equipped. They are similar to fighters of other ChVK, only with one exception: they offer the services to exclusively extremist groups. In spite of the fact that at the moment large terrorist attack in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region seems something inconceivable, some analysts note that ability of Malhama Tactical "to turn angry Uigur youth into elite fighters" threatens not only to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, but also to land corridors of the Chinese infrastructure initiative "One belt and one way".

B to article Khoup Dzhozef note that danger for Beijing is not that thousands fighters can return from Syrie and begin open fight, and that only some highly skilled extremists can cross border. These extremists could prepare numerous future radical leaders, impart technical and tactical knowledge, resources and to train in methods of radicalization of society.

Unfortunately, such threat can lead to toughening of measures of safety in the Xinjiang-Uigur autonomous area that, in turn, China in the sphere of safety can promote radicalization of the Uigur youth and, as a result, to further toughening of policy. This vicious circle will not promote stability preservation in the region. However it is worth hoping that the operation of the Syrian army directed on neutralization of terrorist threat in Governorate of Idlib and undermining communications with Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, will induce Beijing to weaken the coercive measures in the Xinjiang-Uigur autonomous area.

Should take also measures for elimination in Afghanistan fighters of the Uigur illegal paramilitary group of "Turkestani Islamic party" (the organization which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) who in own literature point to importance of operations as in Afghanistan, and Syrie. Last month in the magazine of Fund of protection of democracy of Long War Journal there was information that the new leader of "Turkestani Islamic party" (the organization which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) to Syrie arrived from Afghanistan that points to communication between activity of fighters in both countries.

B China understand that fighters of "Turkestani Islamic party" (the organization, which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) build communications between two theaters of operations therefore in August, 2016 Beijing intensified anti-terrorist actions as against the Uigur fighters in Afghanistan, and to Syrie. On August 4, 2016 China created anti-terrorist alliance with Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan. The speaker of United States Department of State Mark Toner noted that, according to Washington D.C., this step is "positive" for the region.

In some weeks China signed military agreements with "the second Afghanistan" — Syrie — on rendering the humanitarian and anti-terrorist assistance. China is engaged for a long time in preparation of the Afghan forces of safety, and, when fighters of "Turkestani Islamic party" (the organization which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) opened the new front to Syrie, Beijing also made active the help to the Syrian forces of safety.

Nevertheless while is not clear, whether Washington D.C. will treat anti-terrorist efforts China to Syrie also positively as in Afghanistan, considering the inconsistent organizational structure created to Syrie by the Pentagon and CIA. Striking example of this discrepancy is the episode taking place to Syrie in 2016 when the dzhikhadistsky opposition supported by CIA began operations against the Kurdish groups supported by the Pentagon. It appeared that United States of America actually organized the mediated war against themselves. To exclude similar policy in the future, United States of America it would be worth developing more complete approach to fight against terrorism.

If Washington D.C. seriously belongs to fight against terrorism, he should understand that the Asian countries are seriously concerned concerning the terrorist threats proceeding from Governorate of Idlib, to reject aside the unhealthy obsession change of modes and to begin search of opportunities for significant anti-terrorist cooperation with Asian powers to neutralize terrorist threat as to Syrie, and in Afghanistan.