Kazakhstan citizens ceased to hush up the facts of sexual violence over children

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O the terrible facts of violence concerning minors told Sputnik Kazakhstan the known lawyer Ayman of Umarov

Astana, 10 Aug — Sputnik . The train of cases of sexual violence over children in Kazakhstan continues to strike with the terrifying reality. The most terrible that children are exposed to harassments and corruption from close relatives or same, in fact, children, let and more adult age.

the Known Kazakhstan lawyer Ayman of Umarov which specializes on similar affairs, protecting interests of victims, sounds alarm. According to the lawyer, within a week five victims of violence addressed to her in hope to put criminal cases in motion. The facts of violence occurred in Turkestani and Almaty areas.

retells stories of victims according to the lawyer.

the Grandfather tyrant in Talgare

Two boys by which it was not executed also ten years, claim that they were forced by the granduncle. To the man for fifty, he lives in the neighbourhood and often remained to look after children.

Mother of boys learned

Having heard unimaginable details, the woman brought together all members of a big family and told about the events. During a family council the situation was aggravated as it became clear that her children not the only victims of the relative pedophile. Adult nephews and nieces admitted that in the childhood too passed through this horror.

"The police now undertakes nothing


Two cases in Kaskelena

the Six-year-old girl from Kaskelen told that she was raped by the 16-year-old teenager. According to the baby, the alleged minor tyrant studies at the same school. Thus, the girl can meet it in new academic year.


One more victim of violent acts from the minor tyrant became the eight-year-old boy. The 13-year-old teenager scoffed at it.

the Guy from the village of Abay looks for justice


told story of the 22-year-old guy from the village of Abay of Turkestani area two weeks ago. Six years ago two young men from its village gave to drink it, took out to the steppe, came into sexual contact and removed the events on video. Blackmailing then still the 16-year-old teenager with intimate records, tyrants extorted money. Statements in police, prosecutor's office and other high instances do not yield result. The guy tries to punish tyrants some years.

Ayman of Umarov, having heard about terrible injustice, undertook to protect and represent his interests during the investigation.

"From five addressed to me I undertook four cases. In law enforcement agencies make pre-judicial investigations, appointed examinations. As all these cases not "fresh", already it is necessary to appoint difficult, complex examination which can establish the fact of penetration and hems", – the human rights activist commented.

Edition of Sputnik addressed for confirmation of these facts in Department internal affairs of Almaty area. The official inquiry is sent to the press service of police. Edition will inform on a course of investigation and further destiny of heroes.