In Pskov Region will pass the 4th stage of the Cup Russian Federation in a class of the SB20 yachts

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the Fourth stage of the Cup Russian Federation will pass

in a class of the SB20 yachts in Pskov Region from August 11 to August 12. Competitions will take place on Lake Pskov, in the Krivsk boarding house bay, within the Pskov sailing regatta.

B them masters of sports of the international class Youri Shuvalov and Basalkin Artem will take part 6 best Russian crews of yachtsmen, including, the executive director reported Independent noncommercial organization "Pskovskaya parusnaya regata" Savin Mikhail.

Also these days there will take place regional competitions on cruiser yachts and children's tournament. Start of the first race — at 10.30.

Organizers — National association of yachts of the class SB20, the Pskov sailing regatta, Master of a Sail and Sportbotsrus yacht-clubs with support of State board Pskov region on physical culture and sport.

we Will add

that the first three stages of the Cup already passed Russian Federation (from May 25 to May 28), Moscow Region (from June 22 to June 25) and Perm (from July 13 to July 15). Final, the fifth, the stage is planned for the period from September 28 to October 1. Moscow Region becomes its venue again.

SB20 Yacht

— it is a new class of kilevy racing yachts 6,5 meters long, reliable and universal, convenient for transportation. They belong to the most mass class of sports kilevy yachts in the world.