Prosecutor's office protected the housing rights of the disabled person

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Prosecutor's office Arti district Sverdlovsk region according to the address of the inhabitant of the area suffering from a heavy form of a chronic disease, carried out an inspection of observance of the housing rights.


during supervising actions it is established that the declarant was put on the account as needing housing in Administration of the city district Artinsk in the general list of sequence and in the extraordinary list of citizens. It had no own housing and lived in the house belonging to her parents. Also in this house it was registered and lived 7 people - parents and their minor children, the brother and the sister of the declarant. The disease which the woman has, is included in the List of heavy forms of chronic diseases at which cohabitation of citizens in one apartment, Government of the Russian Federation is impossible.

According to h. 2 Art. 57 Federal law of the Russian Federation of 29 December 2004 No. 188-FZ "On the Housing Code of the Russian Federation" premises are provided to the citizens consisting on the account needing housing and suffering from heavy forms needing housing of chronic diseases at whom cohabitation in one apartment is impossible, out of turn.

However for a moment public prosecutor's checks the premises Administration of the city district Artinsk the declarant were not provided to


Due to the violation of the housing rights of the declarant prosecutor's office sent

the statement of claim to District court of the Arti district of the Sverdlovsk region to provide to the woman well-planned premises.

the Artinsky district court the statement of claim of the prosecutor satisfied

District court of the Arti district of the Sverdlovsk region At the beginning August, 2018 after intervention of prosecutor's offices the declarant keys from the well-planned apartment in a new building in the settlement of Arti of 29,9 sq.m. are handed over to

and contract is signed with it social hiring of premises.

(Prosecutor's office Arti district Sverdlovsk region)