"Everything that God left unfinished, builders" constructed

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"Construction – the engine of economy, and let branch goes today through difficult times, in our region construction has positive dynamics, for what many thanks to all workers of this sphere" — these words of the vice governor Gabuev Arsene became, perhaps, a keynote of solemn meeting in Administration of the Tambov region, the builder devoted to Day.

In a hall known and eminent people whom with the full right for that it is possible to call builders of the earth Tambov gathered. With welcome speech and congratulations from deputy corps the chairman addressed to them Regional duma of Tambov Eugenie Alekseevich Matushkin.

Evgeny Matushkin
Eugenie Alekseevich Matushkin

"Is such saying – who would know names of Pharaohs if builders did not construct the Egyptian pyramids — he told. – I very much am proud of that in the life, working as 5 years in student's groups, mastered professions of the bricklayer and the concreter. It is known that each man has to give birth to the child, plant a tree and build the house, that is each man to some extent has to be a builder".

Should note that the construction branch is one of key sectors of economy of the area, providing inflow of considerable investments. Today in the construction organizations Tambov Region work nearly 10 thousand people.

the Vice governor Gabuev Arsene as congratulated all employees of construction branch on a professional holiday.

"There is no branch of economy which would not be connected with construction — he noted. – Today the economy goes through difficult times and construction branch. All of us see, it became how more difficult to realize to us these or those projects. The legislation changes, life changes, requirements of people change. To the construction companies it will not easy quickly be reconstructed under changing requirements of life. We need to pass this difficult period all together, supporting each other and finding new solutions".

the Honourable citizen of area, director general Associations SRO "Tambov Builders" Anatoly Mikhaylovich Safonov began the congratulation with a saying that "God created Earth, and all the rest were constructed by builders". According to him, now construction on Tambov Region revives despite everything.

Anatoly Safonov
Anatoly Mikhaylovich Safonov

Then certificates of honor of Administration of the Tambov region and Oblastnaya duma handed over to the milling-machine operator LLC "Burvodstroy" to Grigoryev Vyacheslav, to the head of technological group JSC Tambovgrazhdanoproyekt Institute Manyakhina Ludmila, to the associate professor "City construction and highways TGTU Irina Matveeva, to the consultant of department of regional ARCHITECTURE & TOWN PLANNING MANAGEMENT area Mukina Larissa, to the driver of JSC Tambovgradzhanproyekt, Vorobyev Sergei, to the deputy director generals JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AGENCY FOR HOUSING MORTGAGE LENDING TAMBOV OBLAST" to Popova Alexandra, to a stopalshchik of LLC "BZSK" to Petrovichev Anatoly.

Letters of thanks of Administration of the Tambov region received

, crane operator of Bokinsky plant of stroykonstruktion Kolodina Dina, consultant of department of regional ARCHITECTURE & TOWN PLANNING MANAGEMENT Kryuchkova Tatyana, deputy chief of department of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending Rodionova Tatyana, chief of sector of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending Tashakova Lola, loader driver of Bokinsky plant of stroykonstruktion Khayrov Ravil.

Certificates of honor ASSOCIATION CPO "TAMBOV CITY STROITELI" were awarded by LLC "SPETSUNIVERSAL" and LLC "Tambovpromstroykholding". Diplomas were handed over by the chairman of the board of ASSOCIATION CPO "TAMBOV CITY STROITELI" Krokhin Oleg.

Sergei Alekseevich Chebotarev Congratulated builders and chapter Tambov.

"Anatoly Mikhaylovich Safonov told

the new kindergarten will open, three more will be put and, is sure, next year will be constructed. Sporting venues, cultural are under construction, road construction" is conducted.

Chapter Tambov "Starstroyplus" to Goncharov Andrey, to Chichibabin Ilya and to Kuzmenko Dimitri handed over certificates of honor of administration of the regional center to the employee of
committee of architecture Aseeva  Anna, and as to employees of companies.