Two records and five medals

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V the Austrian Leobersdorf pass the championship and superiority Europe on bench firing.

the First awards were played by br in a ladder. At juniors the resident of Lipetsk Semyanova Darya caused a stir. The pupil SDYUSSHOR NO. 13 surely won qualification, having struck 119 targets from 125. These are new world and European records in this age group.

In the final Semyanova Darya won a silver award, having conceded only to the Italian Sessa Erike. Snaypersha from the Apennines in qualification was only a heel — 112, but in a decisive stage outstripped all competitors, having broken 38 plateaus. Semyanova Darya lagged behind on only one accurate shot — 37. Fergyuson Rebecca from United Kingdom — 112 and 29.

In a team competition the three of prize-winners the national teams made Italy — 337, United Kingdom — 333 and Czech Republic — 323. And here Russians in this discipline did not compete as our country in a ladder at juniors was represented only by Semyanova Darya. Let's add that Dudnik Helena trains the talented sportswoman.

In a ladder at juniors our fellow countryman Isaev Dimitri acted. He did not manage to reach the final, having beaten out in qualification of 116 targets from 125 and having taken the 12th place. To the podium in this exercise ascended Murat Ilbilgi (Turkey) — 121 and 38, Clément - Burzhe Francis (France) — 123 and 37 and Fabio Beccari (Italy) — 120 and 27.

A here in mikste (the mixed couples) Isaev Dimitri and Semyanova Darya rose by the highest step of a podium. Having hardly broken through in a final stage (Russians in qualification beat out 135 points from 150 and only on one point outstripped "the seventh superfluous" team which became the second team United Kingdom), Semyanova Darya and Isaev Dimitri in the final acted simply excellently.

In the first 25 shots they missed only three times and created a quite good reserve for total success. Residents of Lipetsk were mistaken in the second part of the final more often — 9 times — and before a final series allowed the main competitors, Italians to Sofia Littama and Marondzhiu Mattheo, to approach on distance of one point.

But five decisive shots performed by our duet were exact, and Semyanova Darya with Isaev Dimitri celebrated a total victory, having beaten out 38 points. To Littama and Marondzhiu Mattheo, won qualification with a new world junior record (142 of 150), remained the second — 36 in the final. The third place was taken by a duet from France Loemi Rekazen and Clément - Burzhe Francis — 135 in qualification and 26 in the final.

In a ladder at men and women representation Russian Federation was minimum: honor of the country was protected only by Rabaya Catherina from Republic of Tatarstan, taken the 15th place.

among participants of Euro two more residents of Lipetsk: Astakhov Anton who will act in a monastery (awards will be played on August 9-10), and Zhadnova Anna (a monastery, juniors, on August 8-9).

In exercise the double ladder where at first participation of the Russian athletes was not planned, nevertheless acted the resident of Lipetsk Nekrasov Artem.

our athlete in qualification struck with br 141 targets from 150 and showed the second result after Italian Antonino Barilla — 146. As the final in this type of the program was not provided, Nekrasov Artem became the silver prize-winner of the championship Europe. The third place was taken by Khubert Andrey Oleynik from Slovakia — 139.

In a team competition together with Mosin Vasilii and Furasyev Alexander Nekrasov Artem beat out 393 targets from 450 and won one more "silver". The Italian shooters — 415, on the third place the Austrians — 299.<"44>"

became winners