School students from Polyarnye Zori will visit the international ecological camp

@Murmanskij vestnik
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Today in the city County of Tolna, the Republics Hungary, gathered 25 winners of the II International creative children's photo contest "In nature embraces". As organizers of the large-scale project act Fund "ATR AES", JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KONTSERN ROSENERGOATOM" and the Hungarian nuclear power plant "Paks".

Polyarnye Zori will present the City to

Polyarnye Zori and Tarannikova Catherina. Within ten days within work of ecological camp a baby is expected by the fascinating excursion program for Moscow on a visit in the exposition center of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KONTSERN ROSENERGOATOM" and Budapest. In County of Tolna the Russian school students will visit a series of master classes from the known professional pictorialist Vintse Balint.

the River bank Danube, poppy fields, fishing ponds, the Hungarian small villages and the nuclear power plant "Paks" - the list of venues of lessons of photoart. Shootings of a meteoric rain are planned also.


the Result of ecological camp become not only the fine photos, the new knowledge, pleasant impressions, but also friendly relations between school students from the cities of an arrangement of the Russian AES.<"22>"

Serebrennikova Victoria
Tarannikova Catherina
Vintse Balint
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Fund "ATR AES"