Prosecutor's office through court achieved the new apartment for the resident of Sverdlovsk

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the Woman lived

/ From personal arkhiva
    Yekaterinburg threatened her life

    , on August 7 - AIF-Ural.

    the Inhabitant Sverdlovsk Region only through court received the apartment in a new building. Before the resident of Sverdlovsk lived in a shabby barrack which was dangerous to residents. prosecutor's office helped to restore justice in business, about it reports on Tuesday, August 7, "AIF-Ural".

    As reported in the press service of regional prosecutor's offices, the resident of Sverdlovsk prozhivla in the house located in the village of Beryozovka Arti district. In 2015 the interdepartmental commission surveyed a multihome concert and came to a conclusion that the building is emergency and has to be taken down. In Administration of the city district Artinsk took out the resolution in which it is specified that the house is unfit for human habitation. Thus, according to the document, moving was appointed to 2020. Therefore the woman continued to live in a barrack though it and threatened her life and health. Besides, other housing under contract social hiring to it it was not provided.

    managed to Restore justice thanks to intervention of prosecutor's offices. Prosecutors appealed to court, demanding to oblige local administration to provide to the woman other housing instead of the emergency. In instance of the requirement of prosecutor's offices satisfied in full. Shortly the resident of Sverdlovsk received the apartment of 30,9 kV of meters in a new building in Arti's settlement.