To Sverdlovsk Region after intervention of prosecutor's offices to the woman living in emergency house, gave out flat keys in a new building

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Prosecutor's office Arti district Sverdlovsk region carried out an inspection of observance of the housing rights of the woman living in a hazardous dwelling.


during supervising actions it is established that the interdepartmental commission of the Artinsky city district in 2015 conducted examination of the apartment house located in the village of Beryozovka Arti district. According to the conclusion of the commission, the house is recognized emergency and subject to demolition. the house is brought by the resolution of Administration of the city district Artinsk, not suitable for accommodation. Accommodation in the specified premises threatened life and health of citizens. Terms of moving of residents of the specified house are determined for 2020. In spite of the fact that the applicant lived in emergency premises municipal housing stock, other premises under contract social hiring to her was not provided.

For restoration of the housing rights of the declarant the prosecutor Arti district in interests of the applicant sent

the statement of claim to court about a duty of Administration of the city district Artinsk to provide it with well-planned premises in exchange to the emergency.

District court of the Arti district of the Sverdlovsk region met requirements of the prosecutor in full.

current week the declarant keys from the well-planned apartment in a new building in the settlement of Arti of 30,9 sq.m. are in a festive atmosphere handed over to


(Prosecutor's office Arti district Sverdlovsk region)