The enterprises Irkutsk Region exported goods on $2,7 billion in the first half of the year 2018

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thus the total volume of a foreign trade turnover of the region in value terms exceeded $3 billion

on August 3, information agency "IrkutskMedia". Irkutsk Region shows growth of economic indicators of a foreign trade turnover shows in the first half of the year 2018. According to data Irkutsk region customs , in value terms of WTO made 3,22 billion US dollars that more than on 500 million exceeds indicators of the similar period of last year. If to speak about cost indexes of export, for the first half of the year 2018 are 2,7 billion dollars (for the first half of the year of the 2017th – 2,24 billion US dollars). Thus for the first six months 2018 goods on 521 million US dollars while year before this indicator made 446 million US dollars were imported. In more detail about economic and tax indicators of the region – in a material information agency "IrkutskMedia" .

the foreign trade relationship are established Now to

with 76 countries of the world, thus 71 foreign countries. During the first half of the year 2018 in export operations in the region 525 subjects of foreign economic activity, participated in the import – 202.

If to speak about commodity structure of export deliveries in the region, generally it is presented by wood, pulp-and-paper products, metals and products from them, mineral products. 95% of cost indexes of all export operations were the share of them.

"In import machine-building production, goods the chemical industry, metals and products from them, mineral products prevails. Their share made 96% of cost indexes of import operations" — told in the press service Irkutsk region customs.

Separately should note tax results of the first half of the year 2018 in the region. As Russian Federation from the taxpayers who have been territorially located in the region is reported on a site of Department of the federal tax service of the Irkutsk region , in the consolidated budget, for the first half of the year 2018 is mobilized by 197 billion rubles of taxes and collecting that more than for 40 billion rubles, or for 26%, above level of receipts of January — June, 2017.


provided positive rates of receipts in budgets of all levels. From total amount of the income in the federal budget Irkutsk Region – 70 billion rubles (36%), including to the income of local budgets – more than 11 billion rubles (2%) is sent to 122 billion rubles, or 62%, to the consolidated budget. In Interregional operational federal treasury department it is directed over 5 billion rubles of excises on oil products.

Also small growth shows to

which in comparison with the first half of the year 2017 increased by 2,7% in the current year, reports Regional Service of Consumer market and licensing . Thus, Irkutsk Region was included in the three of regions Siberian Federal District where since the beginning of year the increase in retail commodity turnover was observed. However experts are not inclined to speak about positive dynamics proceeding these indicators. the Chairman of OO of businessmen Irkutsk region Galyautdinov Ildus noticed that data which are provided by service speak, on the contrary, about consumption falling. Following the results of last year inflation made 3,2% that exceeds that growth of retails which is now fixed in the region.

"Stagnation, at least, if also not negative balance is obvious to

. If to us declare that following the results of last year inflation made 3,2%. And if to compare to average value of growth, we see that there is a real falling" — Galyautdinov Ildus declared.

the Expert noted that inflationary processes, and also growth of cost of various groups of goods, affect a consumer basket of the inhabitant Russian Federation, and thus products which the person was able to afford reduce the volume (or affects quality). The head of the organization also states not only consumption falling, but also a negative situation with small and average business: turning of productions, reduction of number of subjects of MSP is observed.