Memory of the Russian soldiers honored to Macedonia

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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of the Photo: The press service of embassy to Macedonia

B the Macedonian Prilep on the German military cemetery passed Russian Federation to Macedonia Shcherbak Oleg, representatives of the city hall and the Ministry of Defence, military attaches Serbia and Bulgaria, delegations of the Russian and Macedonian companies, activists of local society of the Macedonian-Russian friendship the ambassador. About it the correspondent website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" was told in embassy Russian Federation to Skopje.

"The ceremony began

diplomats noted. T-killah the 20-thousand Russian forwarding case as a part of the 2nd and 4th Special crews subsequently united in the Special division, battled on the Saloniksky front as a part of East army of the Entente in 1916-1917. The Russian soldiers stretch spent all this time on a front line, having taken part in all main battles on this battlefield. In particular, speak rapidly the 2nd Special crew the first entered Bitola which release remained the most outstanding success of forces of the Entente on the Saloniksky front almost till the end of war". Meanwhile representatives of the Russian diplomatic mission to Skopje told the also following.

"In 2014, by century of the beginning of World War I, at the initiative of the Russian Embassy to Macedonia, on the German military cemetery Prilep the monument in memory of ten Russian soldiers buried there who have been killed in battles on the Saloniksky front was established to

, T-killah diplomats emphasized. T-killah In May, 2018 in museum pavilion of the French military cemetery Skopje the constant exposition devoted stories of the Russian forwarding case on the Saloniksky front (materials and exhibits for it were provided by embassy) was open. In the same month in the Macedonian capital gravestone restoration on a tomb of the Russian general, the participant of World War I, the gentleman of an award Saint George Ivanova N. M. came to the end with efforts of the Russian diplomatic mission. In 2018 to Skopje in the Airfield municipality, in the territory of the temple under construction St. Trinities Pobedonosts's Saint George's chapel in memory of the Russian soldiers who were lost on the Macedonian earth at all times" was open.