In Moscow buried the actress Kuznetsova Natalia

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the Actress of the Moscow theater of a name of Yermolova Kuznetsova Natalia, died at the age of 55 years last Sunday - after a serious, long illness, buried on Wednesday on the Mitinsky cemetery. information agency "RIA Novosti" reports about it with reference to theater where the actress served.

"Today since morning there took place farewell in the actress in Botkin hospital. Then here passed burial service and after that a funeral" took place, - the interlocutor told.

Kuznetsova Natalia was born

on October 30, 1962. Graduated from GITIS. Since 1984 years played at theater of a name of Yermolova where it was occupied in the performances "Duck Hunting-90" - across Vampilov (Galina), "Poverty is no crime" Ostrovsky (Masha), "Fight of angels" Tennessee Williams (Torrens Mayra), "Lady peasant" Pushkina (Ms. Zhakson).

On screens the actress debuted

in 1990 - in the fighter Rudolph Fruntov "Fools die on Fridays". Played in series "Matchmaker", "Dark Kingdom", "Bugs", "Beagle".
