To Karaganda Region will construct four and will restore three hostels for students

@Kazakhstan Today
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Karagandy. August 1. information agency "Kazakhstan Today" - To Karaganda Region will construct four and will restore three hostels for students, the correspondent of agency reports.

As were reported on inquiry of agency in Akim's press service by Karaganda Region, now in 9 higher education institutions and 44 state colleges of the region about 84 thousand students are trained. From them 2350 people need hostels, including 950 pupils of colleges, and 1400 students of higher education institutions.

Within realization of an order of the head of state in area plan construction of four new hostels: three - for higher education institutions and one - for college. The land plots are for this purpose already defined.

In particular as specified in akimat, Карагандинский state medical university plans construction of a 9-storeyed hostel from two blocks for 500 places. The building will build to territories of regional children's hospital down the street Erzhanov 8 where to higher education institution the ground of 0,75 hectares is allocated. The builder of Favoritstroy LLP offered the ready project. Is now planned to begin works on site transfer on balance of KGMU, on a binding of the project to this land plot, receiving specifications and issue of the construction license.

the Second hostel of medical higher education institution, also from two blocks on 500 places, is planned to construct on a site down the street Tereshkova 15 where there is a free ground, sufficient for construction of the building of such scale.

In this territory located now the National center of occupational health and occupational diseases. According to the plan Minzdrav RK, in July of KGMU, and also the center of occupational health and occupational diseases will be transferred to the autonomous area, further to the uniform NJSC (noncommercial joint-stock company) organization with new the name KMU (Karaganda Medical University). The builder also defined Favoritstroy LLP.

Besides, Karaganda state technical university plans construction of a nine-floor student's hostel for 400 places in the territory down the street Lenin, 67. Already there is design and budget documentation, but it is necessary to make its adjustment.

"The area of projected building makes 1126,42 square meters. The owner of the land plot is KARGTU. Now work on updating of design and budget documentation is carried out. Construction via the mechanism of GChP (builders are defined)" is planned, - specified in the press service.
One more hostel on 100 places is planned to construct
for KGKP "Karkaralinsky Agricultural College", the cost of construction is determined of 255 million tenges. The question with financing is solved. According to the press service, on specification regional budgets on May 4 the current year are supported expenses on development of the design and estimate documentation for the subsequent construction of 15 million tenges. Now work on carrying out competitive procedures is conducted. And construction is planned to begin in 2019.

Besides, in akimat told that in area financing issues restoration of buildings and repairs three hostels are resolved.

In particular, in Balkhash began building restoration for accommodation of 300 students of medical college, works will be complete in December of the current year. On work 268,1 million tenges are required. At specification regional budgets in May of the current year 91,5 million tenges are allocated, the remained sum following the results of government purchases is planned to provide following the results of a half-year.
Also former building of the Karaganda college of arts of a name of Tattimbet will be converted by
under a hostel on 70 places for KGP "Karaganda Humanitarian College". On carrying out repairs is required to 25 million tenges.

according to the press service, started capital repairs college in Abay on 180 places. capital repairs KGKP "Abaysky Versatile College" will be spent for carrying out by 118,2 million tenges. As specified in akimat, orphan children and children live in this hostel from the remote areas.
"Repair work on two last colleges will be complete by
prior to the beginning of academic year. Thanks to the rent mechanism within GChP, 300 students of the Karaganda colleges Karaganda mining technological and Tattimbet's college will be provided with places in already operating hostel of private Karaganda bank college. Design capacity makes 500 places", - concluded in the press service.
we Will remind
: in March of the current year the head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev took Five social initiative one of which concerned increase of improvement of conditions of accommodation of student's youth. As the president noted, today in higher education institutions of the country more than 530 thousand young people are trained. Creating system of educations on the international standards, it is necessary to pay due attention to conditions of training and accommodation of students. Today is particularly acute a question of providing students of higher education institutions and colleges hostels. For the solution of this task Nursultan Nazarbayev suggested to develop work on construction of hostels by higher education institutions, colleges, the developer companies on the principles of state-private partnership. The state, in return, through the Ministry of educations and sciences will guarantee gradual compensation of part of investments, hostels directed on construction. In this regard the head of state charged to provide until the end of 2022 construction of new student's hostels not less than on 75 thousand places.
Nursultan Nazarbayev
Last position: Member of council (Constitutional Council of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Main activity:Science and education
Karaganda state technical university
Main activity:Science and education
Minzdrav RK
Government Agency