In Czech Republic the train faced a tractor

@Gazeta "Metro"
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Is injured

In the Czech Republic the train faced a tractor. Getty photo In the Czech Republic the train faced a tractor. Getty photo

in the south Czech Republic on an adjustable site of iron roads near Pisek there was a collision of a tractor with train. At least 14 people suffered.

Firefighters help passengers to get out of the train. The physicians giving help to victims work at a point of impact. The driver of the train and the driver of a tractor too were traumatized. Some victims were hospitalized. The police establishes the reasons and finds out circumstances of incident.

According to preliminary data, the driver of a tractor left on moving on a red signal of the traffic light. After collision the train derailed.

Movement on the iron road is temporarily suspended by


of AKTUALIZUJEME: Na železničním přejezdu u Smrkovic nedaleko Písku se srazil vlak s traktorem. Při nehod ě se zranilo jedenáct lidí, mezi nimi jsou i strojvedoucí a idiK traktoru. pic.

– Č T24 (@CT24zive) July 31, 2018