Kolodko Eugenie, most likely, will finish career

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federal information portal "SakhaNews". the Silver prize-winner of the summer championship Europe in shot put Kolodko Eugenie with a big share of probability will not be able to return 2014 to sports because of a brush trauma, the father of the sportswoman Kolodko Nicholas reported information agency "ITAR-TASS" .

" Kolodko Eugenie very much wants to return to sports, but with probability in of 90% now it is possible to say that it will not manage to make it. It has serious problems with a brush. It already performed some operations in Canada and United States of America, but special improvements while are not present" , - the father and the former trainer of the sportswoman reported.

Kolodko Eugenie it was deprived of Olympic Games-2012 silver 2016 Summer Olympics because of positive doping test. Such decision was made following the results of recheck of doping tests from 2016 Summer Olympics. Test Kolodko Nicholas yielded positive result on two forbidden substances: turinabol and ipamorelin. The sportswoman was disqualified on 24 month. The term of its disqualification expired on July 1, 2018, and it could act again.

The last time Kolodko Nicholas came for start in September, 2014. On the Continental cup Международная association легкоатлетических федераций (Международная association легкоатлетических федераций) to Morocco it took the fourth place.