The deputy prosecutor of the region Maslov Timur held exit meeting of the interdepartmental working group of prosecutor's offices areas on settlement of observance of the rights of citizens with participation in share construction

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during departure of 25.07.2018 participants of meeting examined objects of share construction to addresses: Smara, ul Tukhachevsky, 18 and Revolyutsionnaya St. around Start movie theater.

the Active position at meeting were shown by participants of share construction, on all interesting their questions of degree of readiness of objects, rates of works, commissioning terms the deputy prosecutor of the region Maslov Timur heard representatives Regional ministry constructions, department of construction of administration of Samara and builders who designated the planned term of delivery of objects - December of the current year.

the Actual satisfaction of requirements of shareholders is taken by prosecutor's office to area on control.





Maslov Timur
Regional ministry constructions
Government Agency