Punishment for autothieves recidivists will toughen in Kazakhstan

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Automobile theft, archival photo
© Foto: DVD of YUKO

Po to the bill in case of repeated commission of theft raises category of this crime

Astana, 27 Jul — Sputnik. the State should not be humane to those who repeatedly commits crimes, the deputy general prosecutor Akhmetzhanov Marat declared.

during a briefing on Friday journalists took an interest in

, whether plans department to toughen punishment for thieves, in particular, autothieves whom not the first time catch on thefts.

"You tell


According to its information, prepared the bill according to which in case of repeated commission the category of this crime — from average weight to heavy increases. Today the law allows guilty to go of theft for reconciliation with the victim, to make amends at a stage of pre-judicial investigation and thus to bail.

"After adoption of law will change category of a crime. And then it (the thief, in case of commission of repeated theft —) will surely attract. Besides, in the bill there is a question on abaction and some other crimes" — the deputy public prosecutor concluded.

the Subject of sale of stolen auto parts stirred up the Kazakhstan society at the end of July after murder of the known Kazakhstan figure skater. The athlete left restaurant and saw how two men remove lateral rear-view mirrors from its car. Teng was let for malefactors in a pursuit and during the started fight got a mortal wound. evoked a wide response in the country.