In counterintelligence Germany were disturbed by absorption in technical sector from outside China

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the Head of the German counterintelligence Hans Georg Maasen declared that acquisition by the Chinese investors the hi-tech companies to Germany represents potential threat national security. About it reports information agency "Bloomberg".

In the annual report on risks for safety say about influence Government of People's Republic of China through the state companies that can threaten economic interests and interests of safety Germany by transfer of technological know-how. Usual cyberattacks on companies gave way in recent years to purposeful absorption, Maassen noted.

"We have to be certainly concerned it if we make impression that behind the potential buyer there is a foreign state with interests which are beyond far acquisitions", - he told journalists on Tuesday in Berlin.

In recent years Germany became the purpose of a number of the Chinese absorption. Among the most noticeable - purchase of the producer of robots Kuka AG of the Chinese Midea Group Co. the stopped absorption the producer of the semiconductor equipment Aixtron SE and the demand of the State electronetwork corporation China (State Grid COR of China, SGCC) on acquisition of 20%-y of a share in 50Hertz Transmission GmbH.

Besides, this year the Chinese billionaire, the chairman boards of directors and the main owner of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Li Shufu became the largest shareholder to Daimler. It collected 9,69% of actions of the German producer owning the Mercedes-Benz brand, by means of difficult transactions with securities.

In the report on risks for safety Germany which was presented by Maassen and the Minister of Internal Affairs Khorst Lorenz Zeekhofer, is said that the Chinese intelligence services passed to political espionage, especially for collection of information at institutes of EU and at meetings of G20.

Against the trade conflict from United States of America China seeks to improve the relations with Europe. Both parties agreed resolutely to oppose an unilaterality and protectionism. Nevertheless at EU and China is disagreements on a number of questions.

As China increases the presence at Europe, EU works over measures for toughening controls behind external investments for protection of crucial technologies and key infrastructure.

As reported news portal "Vesti.Ekonomika" , at the beginning of June EU declared that decided to make complaint in WTO) about the Chinese practice of transfer of technologies. Blok noted that operating in China rules concerning intellectual property put the European companies in China in unprofitable situation.