In Belgorod will be the new mayor

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Management on a vzamodeystviye from mass media of administration Belgorod reported that at the 60th session of city council the decision on the statement of structure of the commission which will provide carrying out competitions on replacement of a position of chapter City administration is made. In the message of the city hall it is explained that "It is known that powers of the City Council of the 5th convocation expire in September...
Stanislas Fedorovich Lisyutin
Last position: First deputy chief (Department of Finance and Budgetary Policy of the Belgorod region)
Nina Ivanova
Last position: The deputy chief of department - the head of department of public service and personnel (Department of Domestic and Personnel Policy of the Belgorod region)
Youri Ivanovich Selivyorstov
Last position: Head of the department (BGTU named after V. G. Shukhova)
Gridchin Anatoly Mitrofanovich
Bazhinov Mikhail