Fires, floods and drought. In different parts of the world natural cataclysms are observed

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Pozhary to Greece

Many months lack of a precipitation in Region of Attica led

to large-scale fires to Greece which became the largest disaster such over the last ten years. In a flame at least fifty people were lost, reports TV channel "EuroNews".

Greece asked for the emergency help EU, having reported that housing stock and region infrastructure suffered.

"This very hard time for Region of Attica, is very difficult night for only Greece. Now more than 600 men and the women battle to fire, over 300 fire trucks are sent to places of natural disaster. It is not possible to take under control while four powerful seats of fire", - the prime minister Alexis Tsipras declared.

For fight against fire came also army divisions. The rescuers involved in suppression of fire and evacuation of people, do not exclude that the number of victims can increase.

the Abnormal heat to Japan

of At least 65 people died to Japan because of the hottest weather for the last week, transfers "information agency "Interfaks" " with reference to local SMI.<"56>" to

More than 22,6 thousand people are hospitalized with heatstroke symptoms. According to Japanese fire-fighting Agency and natural disasters, it is a question of the largest number hospitalized with such diagnosis from the moment of the beginning of registration of such data ten years ago. Thus indicators for 2018 by 3,1 times exceed figures for the similar period of 2017.

Most of all hospitalized it was the share to

of Tokyo - 1979 people, of Prefecture of Aichi - 1954, and to Osaka - 1779. Over a half of victims - at the age of 65 years also is more senior.

On Monday meteorologists registered the most high temperature for all history of supervision to Japan - 41,1 degrees Celsius. The record was recorded near the city of Kumagaya in Saytam's Saitama to the North from Tokyo.

the Typhoon "Ampil" in China

the Raised orange level of danger is declared by

in Beijing on Tuesday in connection with pouring rains proceeding some days which can lead to floods, to landslides and collapses of rocks, reports information agency "RIA Novosti".

weather Deterioration in Beijing, according to meteorologists, is directly connected with fallen on Sunday to Shanghai and Province of Zhejiang and Province of Jiangsu the typhoon "Ampil". The typhoon on Monday continued the movement in the northwest direction deep into the continent that was substantially reflected in weather in northern regions of the country, including Beijing, Tianjin and Province of Hebei.

of the Flood in Vietnam

of the Flood and the landslides caused by the tropical storm Sontin in Vietnam, became a cause of death of 27 people, tens inhabitants suffered. Seven more people are reported missing, the local service of response to natural disasters reports.


is strongest the northern Province of Yen Bai. Besides, as a result of a storm more than 12 thousand houses and more than 90 thousand were flooded. hectares of arable lands, transfers information agency "Interfaks".