2018 FIFA World Cup in Penza. Figures and facts

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Skolko to Penza Region during the FIFA World Cup visited foreigners? What problems arose? What inheritance remains from the FIFA World Cup? These questions in exclusive interview of "Information company "Penza-press" were answered by the vice-chairman of Government regiona Denisov Youri.

Foreign fans

" during the World Cup arrived to Penza Region placement , a transfer existed. As a rule , guests arrived the organized groups. In this plan Japanese , at which planning very rigid , from And to I" were especially remarkable — Denisov Youri told.

Foreigners , which reached independently , were met by volunteers. Creation of the center of volunteers completely itself justified , as well as the call-center organization, with were emphasized by Denisov Youri.

" the Competent decision was on call-center creation, thanks to it we joined law enforcement bodies , other establishments with fans for the solution of questions. Generally , they concerned that , how to buy , to exchange the ticket , how to reach to Saransk , how to find hotel. Advertizing helped. Fans heard information on radio , including — and in foreign languages , which we prepared , and called in the call-center. With hispanic fans we were helped very much by cadets of art institute, they worked as translators , for what many thanks and to children , and to the higher education institution management" — Denisov Youri noted.


Card and brochure

about Penza too were useful. According to the deputy chairman , foreigners became interested in the city on Sura , walked and studied sights.

" For them organized a trip to the memorial estate by " Tarkhana", in most Penza the particular interest caused the museum of one picture" — he told.

were not forgotten for a while by 2018 FIFA World Cup and about local fans. For them , we will remind were organized by two places for viewing of matches — in the Satellite and on Yubileynaya Square.

" We at all did not expect , that places for viewing will enjoy were ill. I think , business — in national pride: our team played fine" — Denisov Youri reported.

"Stolen" phone

during the FIFA World Cup of emergencies did not happen by

to , and here funny things were. So , the mayor of the Colombian Floridablanca Hector Mantila Ruyeda arrived with the wife to Russian Federation , to look at a match between Colombia and Japan in Saransk. Hotel the Colombian reserved in Penza , and to live arrived to the capital Republic of Mordovia. As a result the family was sheltered by the local.

Other case. One of fans forgot phone in a taxi and solved , that it stole

" He wrote the application in police , and literally in three-four hours phone found , the fan even found in Saransk and transferred to it mobile" — the deputy chairman told.

Inheritance of 2018 FIFA World Cup


How many were earned by Penza on the FIFA World Cup just it is necessary to count , to but is already clear to , the Zenith" remains to that for memory of this tournament in the city the reconstructed to " — him trained as a training platform. By words Denisov Youri , it is now demanded by and artificial and mini-football fields citizens , chose including — school students.

should be told

About children separately. In the region decided to bring up worthy change of a national team. For this purpose since September 1 in Penza , Nizhny to Lomova , by to Kamianka , Serdobsk , Kuznetsk will be earned by specialized football classes.

" There after the fourth class will select boys , which have abilities to soccer. It not sports school , they study , as all , but will be orientation to soccer. Children will begin to train with the teacher of additional educations" — Denisov Youri told.

besides , between classes will hold competitions to use of base of the by " the Zenith".

" I think , that heritage , to which to us got from FIFA-2018 , by will be used fully. I would like to tell all , who took part in Championship preparation, many thanks. It was succeeded to organize everything so , that also guests were happy with , and inhabitants did not feel inconveniences. We did not hear any negative estimates. It was difficult , but it is interesting to

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