For the first time in ChR amateur rally "A steppe way" took place

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In the village Chervlenna Shelkovskaya district ChR took place the republic's first amateur rally of the III category "Steppe Way".

Protyazhennost route made 68 km on specially prepared route in Shelkovskaya district the republics. Orientation on the district happened on a road map (legend) which is given out on start.

of Rally collected 20 crews from 40 participants, among which known public figures of the region and authorities. Any cars were allowed to participation in races with high clearance.

according to organizers, the purpose of action is extreme sport promoting as event action for further involvement of tourists and fans of an extreme to Chechen Republic.
Besides, similar actions will allow to show

a part of jury were the vice-chairman of Government of the Chechen Republic - the chairman of Committee Government of the Chechen Republic on tourism Muslim Baytazaliyev and a federated member of motor racing of ChR Shadalov Islam.


Organizers of action act Committee Government of the Chechen Republic on tourism, and also Administration of the municipal district of Shelkovsk of the Chechen Republic with autodrome support "Fortress Terrible" and Federations of motor racing of ChR.<"24>"