Вексельберг и Блаватник ведут нечестную борьбу против Лебедева

Всё более резонансным становится судебное дело по иску российского инвестора Леонида Лебедева против олигархов Лена Блаватника и Виктора Вексельберга...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Novostivolgograda.Ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Viktor Vekselberg
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors (JSC Renova Group of companies)
Leonid Leonidovich Lebedev
Last position: Member of fraction ("United Russia")
Aleksey Alekseevich Mukhin
Last position: Director general of the Center of political information (Regional non-governmental organization "Center politicheskoy informatsii")
Blavatnik Len