The scheme of developments youthful soccer bears fruits
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the development Program youthful soccer since 2014 brought a lot of benefit to the first participants of the project - Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and BYuR Macedonia.

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One of the main tasks of UEFA - development soccer in all corners Europe, and it means care of education of young football players.

Four European national football associations - Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and BYuR Macedonia - since 2014 are participants of the program of UEFA on development young talents, and the project bears fantastic fruits.

Training of the Belarusian young men in the sports hall
Training of the Belarusian young men in the sports hall ©BFF

the Purpose of the ambitious program of UEFA - search and work with young players which subsequently on forces to become leaders of the national team and the clubs. Now time of leading of the first results and updating of plans for the future came.

Four listed associations were chosen by

for participation in the pilot project, and now the program covers all 55 football federations Europe. On a plan of authors, this program has to provide emergence and growth of talented children for years forward.

Each of four participants of the pilot project, since a season 2014/15, due to financings from outside UEFA ensured functioning of football academy for children till 14 and 15 years, optimized training process and introduced technical programs.

UEFA every year provided on some visits to these countries of the experts which shared the major councils not only the technical plan, but also in education questions and managements.

Trainers and instructors gained valuable knowledge which lifted standards of their work from experts and at the same time favorably affected motivation.

The Armenian young men after a goal on development tournament
the Armenian young men after a goal on development tournament ©FFA

by means of UEFA Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and BYuR Macedonia adjusted work of national academies which united associations, schools and clubs. Thus it was succeeded to connect trainings with educational process. Under concrete needs and requirements of separate associations specialized programs were developed.

Young players have opportunity to work over technical skills, tactics and fitness, and the last trainings include also such important elements, as food and hygiene, but there is more to come. Youth train in the main vital values - standards of behavior, the correct relation and responsibility.

Work already bears fruits. Results of associations in qualifying tournaments of UEFA improved, in particular within the championship Europe among young men till 17 years.

Training of the Georgian young men
Training of the Georgian young men ©GFF

Number of students of academy who received invitations in the youthful national teams to 16 and till 17 years, too impresses. For example, to Armenia at the level of the national team till 17 years three quarters of members of academy played.

time in the future Came to glance

. In a year implementation of the pilot project will come to an end, and UEFA asked associations to continue fruitful work.

UEFA will be and to support further associations financially, to help with development of business projects and increase of standards of training of players, but it is necessary to come to new level.

the Head of department of UEFA on development Francois Zhan Domerg highly appreciated results pilot prekta." Implementation of these projects became for associations huge success, - the former defender of the national team emphasized France. - At the same time they showed UEFA the direction in which it is necessary to move. We have to continue to work over development these associations because they achieved considerable progress".

Macedonian young men listen to the trainer
Macedonian young men listen to the trainer ©FFM

"Great importance also are of social and educational components, especially with such number of young men that pass through academies", - added Domerg.

Representatives of four associations involved in the pilot project, are unanimous in an assessment of the help of UEFA in implementation of programs of development youthful soccer and adjustment of infrastructure.

"One of the positive moments of the program concerns that the best players have an opportunity to train and play together".
the Technical director of Federation of soccer Armenia Minasyan Vardan

"Our trainers received the huge help within seminars and an exchange of experience. It is very important for further developments".
the Coordinator of the program of Federation of soccer Armenia on development youthful soccer Azaryan Arthur

"When players were trained in

at public schools, we formed youthful teams at later stages. Today in academy we have an opportunity to have to four teams of different age. All this thanks to this project". the Deputy technical director of the Belarusian federation of soccer Victor Mikhaylovich Goncharenko

"It provides with
to our trainers and players huge motivation. I am sure that it very much will help development the Georgian soccer".
the Secretary general of the Georgian federation of soccer Mudzhiri Davide

"Children train at high level, get a fine education and high-quality food, and also have all conditions for comfortable accommodation. Respectively, opportunities for football growth considerably increase". the Manager of Football federation of BYuR Macedonia on development Zarko Ignyatovski's soccer

the Last word is left to
for Francois Zhan Domerg who insists that such projects go on advantage to all soccer." We want to help associations to grow up better players, - he speaks. - And thus we invest in the future of all European soccer".

Minasyan Vardan
Azaryan Arthur
Goncharenko Victor
Mudzhiri Davide
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