It is necessary to limit itself. As Tajiks and Kyrgyz from border villages to each other visit

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Since the beginning of summer on the line of the Tajik-Kyrgyz state border one by one happened some incidents to participation as local population , and the military personnel two countries. From time to time such local conflicts flash between inhabitants of the Kyrgyz and Tajik villages because of disputable sites on the general border. The correspondent of "Fergana" visited in Tajik-Kyrgyz a border-zone to understand — that prevents neighbors to live quietly.

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We arrived on the suburb of bus station of the Tajik city Isfara where the Kyrgyz drivers stop. They are engaged in transportation of citizens on a route Isfara (Tajikistan) — Batken (Kyrgyzstan) and back. One of the Kyrgyz taxi drivers promised for 25 somoni ($3) to bring us to hotel which is located in Batken. Literally in 15 minutes we reached to the Guliston check point of the Isfarinsky area.

- Arrived. On that party of a cordon you are waited by other our car — the Kyrgyz driver told.

it Became clear

that two native brothers taxi drivers on couple are private carrier. The senior by one car carries passengers on the Tajik territory and takes passengers to the Guliston check point, younger by the car — already on the territory Kyrgyzstan, from the Kyzyl Bel check point to a final stop.

is it is connected with that when crossing state border the road tax is raised from each car. If every day to cross border and to pay taxes, then there is no sense to us to be engaged in transportation of citizens. To ourselves remains nothing — the elder brother Kamil-eke speaks.

We passed

on foot from one check point to another. Together with us the Tajik-Kyrgyz border was crossed by group of women of border villages of the Isfarinsky area. It appeared that they work at fields of the Kyrgyz farmers, weed rice and corn plantations. Some of them are engaged in collecting and drying of apricots.

- in the Evening we will return to the children — the young woman of years of thirty explains.

the Strong point of militia in the village Kok-Tash of the Batkensky area

When the close neighbor better than the distant relative

On the way to Batken our car stopped on the street which passes between a quarter Somoniyen of jamia (a rural justice) Chorkukh of the Isfarinsky area Tajikistan and the village Kok-Tash Aksayska ayyl okmotu (a rural justice) the Batkensky area Kyrgyzstan.

- Here on the left side of the street are lived by Tajiks, and on right — Kyrgyz. This quarter in the people is known under the name May — my satellite, the inhabitant of the village Chorkukh of the Isfarinsky area, the editor-in-chief of the regional newspaper "Nasimi Isfara" Sharipov Abdumutallib tells. — Earlier, in Soviet period, apricot gardens in which the early ripe grade "May" was generally grown up here settled down. There lives my sister, and our family often comes it to visit. It has neighbors — Kyrgyz, but, thank God, between them never was disagreements and friction. Live in peace and friendship, help each other. We know what in human life the neighbor matters. Tajiks not for nothing speak: "Az dust of silly women hamsoyai nazdik Bech" ("the close neighbor is better than the distant relative"). It is interesting that houses of Tajiks and Kyrgyz are located in chessboard order. After all anybody then did not represent that there will come time when it is necessary to divide them between two independent states — he notices.

the Fork on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border, called locals "the friendship intersection"

We passed the bridge and approximately through 100 meters came to the intersection which locals conditionally call "the friendship intersection". Road signs show that one line of the road conducts to the village Vorukh of the Isfarinsky area, and another comes to highway Osh — Batken — Isfana between the cities Kyrgyzstan. Tajiks call this town Zerafshan, and Kyrgyz — Zhakauruk. Here the small market in which inhabitants of adjacent villages sell agricultural products and building materials is located.


Here, on the Tajik party of the intersection, more than four years works lepeshechny which is headed by the businesswoman from Hodzhai Ajlo Isfarinsky's village of the area Avezov Nodir. According to her brother Safarov Zokhid, in their shop arrive orders from citizens and Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

at "the friendship intersection"

- at the request of inhabitants we prepare

— at our Kyrgyz brother have a special order a mourning ceremony, and he lays a table for fellows villager — Zokhid Safarov speaks.

the Inhabitant of the Kyrgyz village of JSC-Tatyr <4> Mahomed Holmatov says that is the regular customer of the Tajik bakers.

- Though in our village is lepeshechny, but, it seems to me, these flat cakes are more tasty — Kholmatov Mukhammad notices. It is interesting that owners lepeshechny buy a flour and coal from Kyrgyz — at them is cheaper.


to Kholmatov Mukhammad and Safarov Zokhid


to All the earth and water

are necessary to

Near lepeshechny shop there is some kind of halt where visitors stop for some time to have a rest to gain strength for a further way. Here we incidentally got acquainted with Anarov Saatbek – the deputy local kenesha (legislature) of Aksayskaya ayyl okmotu the Batkensky area. Earlier he was the teacher of history, then for many years worked in programs of the international organizations for formation of the atmosphere of tolerance in zones at the Kyrgyz-Tajik border where there are intensity centers. According to him, the majority of locals understand, stability and neighborliness in the border villages are how precious, nevertheless spontaneously arising conflicts while do not manage to be avoided.

border Extent between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan makes over 970 km, from which so far delimitirovano about 520 km. Disputable 450 km of border pass through Sogdiyskaya's densely populated regions (Tajikistan) and Batkenskoy (Kyrgyzstan) areas. The Tajik party suggests to define border taking into account documents of 1924-1927, and Kyrgyzstan considers necessary to proceed from materials of the parity commission of 1958. Negotiations on these questions proceed.
- On my supervision, the conflicts arise generally on the household soil because still there are disputable land plots — Anarov Saatbek speaks. — That the people living in border zones, not really rich, they want to have continents more to earn. While there are unresolved problems and on rational distribution and use of water resources. All want to have direct access to irrigation and drinking water. Sometimes there are the provokers manipulating people for achievement of the interests. There are idlers who like to provoke any incidents. All of us wait when the intergovernmental Kyrgyz-Tajik commission on delimitation and demarcation of state border will strengthen the activity and will finish this process.

While we do everything possible to prevent emergence of any conflicts. For this purpose it is necessary to involve resources of both parties, for example, meetings of deputies of different level — from local government to parliament of both countries, the aksakals well-known and dear people, representatives of so-called international Kyrgyz-Tajik families. For example, Samarkandek lives in the village a dynasty "makhsumov" (makhsum, makhdum – the teacher, the mentor, the respectful name of ecclesiastics. – Comment of "Fergana") which consider itself as descendants of known religious figures Samarqand. They can play an important peacekeeping role in the region. It would be good if in border zones constructed mini-plants or shops on processing of agricultural products and productions canning products, auto repair shops, and also public service centers and other social and economic objects more. It would give the chance to people to find a job, earn and to communicate more — the deputy considers.

Anarov Saatbek

- you so freely speak


- Yes, I got a religious education at the Tajik theologians. The inhabitant of jamia Chorkukh Domullo Nozim was my first teacher. Since then I maintain with them the friendly relations. Moreover, I grew up among the Tajik children. Together grazed cattle on the Tajik and Kyrgyz pastures. When in the village Somoniyen yet there was no school with the Tajik language of the training, many children studied at school of a name of Shaydullo Gani of the village Kok-Tash Kyrgyzstan — Anarov Saatbek told.

For differentiation

In a rural justice Aksay the Batkensky area us were waited by group of local activists. All of them in conversations with us said that while process of delimitation and demarcation of border will not be complete, the risk of skirmishes between people remains.

- I was born in an international family: the father — the Kyrgyz, mother — the Tajik. Mother was a sort from the village Vorukh of the Isfarinsky area — the deputy local kenesha and the chairman of women's council of a justice tells Aksay, the midwife Sayram Zulfikarova. — Still we hold communication with relatives on the maternal line — we visit, we participate in wedding and funeral ceremonies. I carry myself to two people, I speak in two languages. We hold joint sporting and cultural events, we call representatives of both countries for tolerance. But incidents nevertheless happen. I think that only accurate division of territories will put the end to these conflicts — it considers.

to Zulfikarov's Sauries

Other our interlocutor, the 63-year-old local pensioner Nadyrov Abdullo Muratovich, told that he was born in Shurab the Isfarinsky area. His father then worked at the coal field of the same name. After leaving school Nadyrov Abdullo Muratovich arrived in food technical school of Dushanbe. Then two years worked by profession in Dusti's settlement of the Kumsangirsky area (nowadays Dzhaykhun). In 1982 Nadyrov' family moved on the historical homeland — to the village Aksay Kyrgyzstan.

- In the Aksaysky rural justice are lived by about 3000 people. They, generally are engaged in agriculture. We at everyone have the ground. Problems with the earth are not present. But in jamias Chorkukh and Vorukh next Tajikistan population in tens times more, and they value each plot of land, each drop of water. On this soil sometimes there are conflicts. Therefore the frontier has to be precisely defined — that everyone knew where its territory comes to an end. Then citizens of both republics will feel responsibility and know that illegal crossing of state border is fraught with administrative or more rigid punishment — Nadyrov Abdullo Muratovich speaks.

Nadyrov Abdullo Muratovich

B Kyrgyzstan behind the Tajik cauldrons

Having said goodbye to local activists, we went to the Kyrgyz village Kok-Tash. In Tajikistan acquaintances advised me to come into wholesale shop of household goods in this village. We found it quickly. There is all — and is old, and mlad — well know this shop which belongs to spouses to Akmatov Abbaskhan and Sharafiddinova Altynay. Within the last 20 years they sell in it household goods. And their main buyers are Tajiks who come from Isfara, the Bobodzhongafurovsky area, Khujand. It is remarkable that among goods, made in Iran, Uzbekistan, China, Russian Federation, here is household goods which are made in Tajikistan, for example, the cauldrons of various sizes made at plant State unitary enterprise "Tadzhikskaya alyuminiyevaya company" in Tursunzoda. It is amusing that tadzhikistanets come to buy them to Kyrgyzstan.

When we arrived, us met Akmatov Umed — the daughter of businessmen. She is the student of pedagogical faculty of the Kyrgyz national university of a name of Balasagyn.

- Parents on a trip — are explained by Akmatov Umed. – I temporarily replace them, after all now vacation.

- I heard that from Tajikistan you provide to the familiar buyers goods by installments. It is right?

- Yes, parents are engaged in household goods many years, well know all the clients. Some of them are engaged in small retail resale and have no sufficient financial means for a turn therefore parents give them goods on conditions that they will return money after realization. They trust clients and always meet requirements of them.

- you perfectly speak the Tajik language. In your family there are Tajiks?

- No, all Kyrgyz. But as the main buyers of our goods are Tajiks, since the childhood I heard the Tajik speech. Therefore the Tajik language became for me the second native language — told Akmatov Umed.

Akmatov Umed in parental shop

of the General more than

night Approached. We decided to spend the night in hotel in Batken. In a way we were accompanied by the colleague from Kyrgyzstan, the press secretary of the chairman Province of Batken Berdykulova Cholpon.

- In Kyrgyzstan, as well as in Tajikistan, there are unresolved social and economic problems, such as unemployment, migration, lack of continuous access to irrigation and drinking water. Our governments need to direct efforts that these questions were resolved. The youth has to be occupied with socially useful work — Berdykulova Cholpon while we go to hotel shares opinion. — In Province of Batken cultivation of agricultural cultures achieves now of speed. In particular, to the dekhkena in large quantities began to grow up apricots of the most different grades, for which our climate very favorable. All know that the reaped crop never will be gone and will surely find the buyer. Now only in Province of Batken the total area of apricot plantations is more than five thousand hectares. In area more than 20 mini-plants on processing of vegetables and fruit function. Dekhkane on big squares also began to be engaged in rice cultivation. The part of the reaped crop is realized in the local markets of area where the main buyers are Tajiks. Trade, mutual trips, joint cultural and festive actions pull together people. As you witnessed, despite everything, our people perfectly find a common language, as at us really much in common — in a life, ceremonies, tenor of life; at us both problems are similar, and desires — Berdykulova Cholpon concluded.

Roadside trade

When we arrived in Batken, I asked the driver to stop the car about the street market. We came nearer to sellers, and they started extolling in eager rivalry the fresh vegetables and fruit in the Tajik language: "Markhamat oh to Ol, anguri chillagi, tarbuz, Tajiks. Hamin ruz ovardy" ("please, Tajik plums, early ripe grapes, water-melons, apples. Today brought"). We bought a little fruit and went to hotel. For plentiful Kyrgyz tadzhiskim dastarkhany (the cloth, the served table at the people Central Asia. – Comments of "Fergana") sat until late at night and watched the FIFA World Cup. Many of us supported Russian Federation — and in it too found the general.

A early in the morning went to a way back already familiar route — by a taxi to the Kyzyl Bel check point of the Batkensky area, then on foot through border to the Tajik Guliston check point where we were waited already by other taxi driver. In half an hour and only 24 kilometers of highways we were on the central bus station of the city Isfara.

Tilav Rasoul back, Khujand — Isfara — Batken — Khujand. Photo of the author

International news agency "Fergana"

Avezov Nodir
Safarov Zokhid
Kholmatov Mukhammad
Anarov Saatbek
Nadyrov Abdullo Muratovich
Natsionalny university