Representative of gas-filling stations to the Armenian tax specialists: do not try to find a black cat in the dark room, especially if it there is not present

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Representative of gas-filling stations to the Armenian tax specialists: do not try to find a black cat in the dark room, especially if it there is not present

of Arminfo . The representative of interests of the gas-filling stations fined by tax specialists considers charges of the relation of companies groundless and not having contact with justice. The Torch is told about it Gas", "Nakhshin", "Ato Gaz", "Arzni Gaz" and "gas of groups" lawyer Andrikyan Armen in the widespread statement of the representative of JSC Arzni Gaz, ".

according to the lawyer, Investigative management and department of inquiry of management of KGD concerning JSC Arzni Gaz, "the Torch Gas", "Nakhshin", "Ato Gaz", "Arzni Gaz" and "Gas of groups" are brought criminal cases in parts 1 and 2 articles 205 (" Evasion of taxes, duties or other obligatory payments") by UK Armenia. At the heart of criminal case as he reminded, data on results of measurements by which it was established that these companies during 2016-2018gg laid down. specified the underestimated volumes of the realized gas, thereby evaded from payment of taxes (excise taxes and the VAT)." Actually, obviously groundless calculations and the facts which have no relation to justice, rule of law and protection of the rights and freedoms of the person" are put in a basis of the decision on initiation of legal proceedings, - he declared.

As are considered by the lawyer even if to assume that employees of KGD as a result of two-day measurements for June, 2018 found out that the recorded volumes of realization of gas exceed the declared volumes for the same period of 2016-2017, it cannot be the basis for the decision on initiation of legal proceedings taking into account that various factors which were not considered by the party of charge can affect indicators.

Otherwise as he noted, the party of charge would not be compelled later initiations of legal proceedings to begin "panic" poll of the persons informed in the sphere, in an "operational" order to find out information on activity of gas-filling stations, trying to rescue a situation thus." Nevertheless, the basis of criminal case was formed by the ridiculous facts, which purpose - to interfere with activity of the specified companies, to break a normal course of their work and within business to show to the public that "allegedly" concerning companies "retaliatory actions" are carried out, as a result - to create illusion that in state budget Armenia are restored hundreds millions dramov", - is spoken in the statement of the party of protection.

Andrikyan Armen notes

also that during searches computer equipment, necessary for the organization of activity of the specified companies was withdrawn. According to him, companies it was offered to copy all information necessary for a consequence what it was refused on an electronic medium. The purpose of these actions as the lawyer considers, not only to disturb estesvtenny their activity, but also to blacken a name of companies and the related persons." We call the body which is carrying out a consequence, to refrain from similar style of work which becomes similar to efforts to find a black cat in the dark room, especially, when it there is not present", - is spoken in the statement of the lawyer. Otherwise it threatens to restore "reputation" of companies in the order established by the law.

we Will remind

that earlier following the results of tax audits in a number of the gas-filling companies, cases evasion of taxes in 8 companies were revealed - tax shortages budgets are estimated at 946 million dramov. On July 13 at a meeting with journalists the chairman of Committee of the state income (KGD) Armenia David Ananyann reported that among the gas-filling stations fined by tax specialists companies, to belonging Sedrakyan Mger (the ex-deputy from RPA, better known as Sedrakyan Mger Tokhmakhsky), to Vardan Arutyunyan (the ex-head of KGD) and Tsarukyan Gagik (the large businessman and the leader of "Prosperous Armenia" Party) were noted. According to him, company Sedrakyan Mger "was guilty" most less - its shortages made 15 million dramov.