The video blogger got conditional penal for a joke about the Koran
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Davydov Ilya, better known as Meddison, is sentenced to one and a half years of imprisonment conditionally for the statements directed on humiliation of the person on signs of the relation to religion. 2017 Meddison wrote down

B and laid out in a network the playful performance devoted to the Koran – the sacred book of Muslims. After that to the video blogger threats therefore he had even to remove the pages on social networks began to arrive and for some time to leave from Russian Federation. Then pre-investigation check during which the roller containing "actions and the statements directed on humiliation of the person and a group of persons on signs of the relation to religion Islam and Christianity" was found was initiated. Criminal case on this fact was brought on February 13, 2017, Petty-bourgeois interdistrict investigation department was engaged in its investigation.

During the investigation Davydov Ilya in everything confessed to

therefore his case was considered in a special order, reports information agency "RIA Novosti" . Tushino district court of Moscow found the blogger guilty according to UK Art. 282 ("Hatred or hostility excitement, and is equal humiliation of human dignity") and sentenced him to one and a half years of imprisonment conditionally. The sentence already came into force.