Innoprom results are summed up: 107 countries, 813 exhibits and "the Russian Hanover"

@MK.RU Ekaterinburg
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Innoprom results are summed up: 107 countries, 813 exhibits and

B Yekaterinburg came to the end with

Innoprom. In shape took part of 107 countries (the expositions exposed 600 companies from 20 states), 813 exhibits (in 2017 394) were exposed, and also following the results of work of exhibitions more than 46 000 badges were given out.

"Quality of audience of exhibitions – in comparison with 2017 significantly grew, the share of professional participants (exhibitors, delegates) exceeded 76% of total number of visitors. Experts and participants of this year called Innoprom-2018 "the Russian Hanover", – reported in the press service of exhibitions.


Within Innoprom it was signed over 100 contracts and agreements. Work of exhibitions shined 348 Russian and foreign mass media, representatives of the press were given out over 1,5 thousand badges.

Honourable foreign guests of Innomprom of steel President of Republic of Palau Tommie Esang Remengesau, the deputy minister of commerce China Yan Gao, the minister of the industry of Belarus Vitaly Mikhaylovich Vovk, the deputy prime minister, the minister of strategy and finance South Korea Dong Kim Han, the deputy minister trades, the industries and power engineering specialists South Korea Ying Li Huo, the minister of the industry and mining Province of Alger Yusfi Youcef, the Minister of Energy and the industries Qatar Mohammed bin al Salekh - the Garden, the deputy minister of the industry, mines and trades Iran Barat Gobadian and many others.