That Agalarova connects Kozhevnikova Valeria and Emin

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Agalarov Emin and Kozhevnikova Valeria on shootings of the clip Stone Brendon
: materials of the press services

In the Network appeared hearings that the actress "sent away" the singer

Internet users discuss a photo on which the actress Kozhevnikova Valeria passionately embraces the singer Agalarov Emin. At first shots surprised the admirers, after all both stars are not free. However it became clear later that these pictures are made on a set of the new clip "Obstinate" of the finalist of the Voice project Stone Brendon. According to the scenario the loser killer Mamedov José performed by Agalarov Emin receives a task to kill the known drug baron, but all his plans fall when it meets the girl of the criminal who literally dements the unlucky killer. The role of the fatal beauty played and executed Kozhevnikova Valeria.

Valeria Kozhevnikova plays the girl of the drug baron
Kozhevnikova Valeria plays the girl of the drug baron
: materials of the press services

for the sake of its attention Mamedov José it is ready to reincarnate in the Spanish dancer, the Arab sheikh and even to get into a bathtub to the beauty … However, while actors do not report, than efforts of the hero will end and whether will answer Agalarov Emin with reciprocity.

The clip promises to be roast
the Clip promises to be roast
: materials of the press services

'At first I refused as it is concentrated at serious film work — admitted Kozhevnikova Valeria. — But the scenario was very fascinating, I even itself took part in writing of some scenes. (Laughs. ) I want to note Agalarov Emin, as Mamedov José it was irresistible. Very much I hope that the result will be bright, as well as last shootings".

Emin Agalarov
Last position: Singer
Valeria Kozhevnikov
Last position: Actress
Stone Brendon
Mishakova Anastasiya
Mamedov José