Crisis or conflict? Why "United Russia" Party remained without leader before elections in Veliky Novgorod

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Buketov Wladyslaw. Photo:

the Heavyweight of the Novgorod political Olympus Buketov Wladyslaw who since 2012 was the chief helmsman in city office of "United Russia" Party, almost silently and imperceptibly resigned. This event occurred in two months prior to the main municipal elections – on September 9 Novgorodians should elect new structure of Council of Veliky Novgorod. Experts note that leaving Buketov Wladyslaw can testify to the conflict in party. Whether so it – was found out by Russian information agency "FederalPress".

to be solved on a step

Local conference "United Russia" Party, passed the other day, did not foretell loud sensational news. In the agenda nine questions some of them appeared concerned the upcoming elections in city parliament. United Russia party members included in the list of 62 candidates, besides sounded also the program with which will go to voters. Buketov Wladyslaw the press service of local office of party avariciously reported about resignation in one offer in the sent ambassador release: "in completion of action the floor was taken by the head of local office Veliky Novgorod parties Buketov Wladyslaw, he declared addition of the powers".

Witnesses of the statement Buketov Wladyslaw note that the former party leader and for the present the vice-chairman of Council of Veliky Novgorod, not simply declared addition from himself powers, but also explained the decision to that the updating time in all city corridors of power came. To the Parokhod-Online Internet edition, Karaulov Mikhail, it was succeeded to talk to Buketov Wladyslaw who confirmed the words about updating in "United Russia" Party, city parliament and the city hall Veliky Novgorod.

"We now are in a situation when city updating – and in urban governance is necessary, both the social sphere, and political life. This updating cannot be without updating of shots. And the thought has to be updated, and City administration. But nobody decides on this step. Here I decided. I decided to begin with myself", – Vladislav Buketov declared Buketov Wladyslaw

the Political scientist Vlasov Alexander stated to the correspondent of Russian information agency "FederalPress" opinion that behind leaving Buketov Wladyslaw can be looked through its unwillingness to bear responsibility for results of the upcoming elections in municipal duma and crisis in the Novgorod office of party.

"I was present at party conference and, in my opinion, Buketov Wladyslaw the resignation wanted to decline all responsibility for the forthcoming results of elections in City Council. It, probably, realizes what even to repeat results "United Russia" Party on similar elections in 2013 hardly it will turn out. I will remind that five years ago United Russia party members won 11 of 15 one-mandatory districts and in addition took some places according to the party list", – Vlasov Alexander told.

He noted that by its calculations now it is possible to tell that at the upcoming elections the victory in one-mandatory districts will be won by the businessman Getmansky Andrey and the director of a water utility Zolotarev Sergei. And will lose elections the acting chairman of City Council Vladimir Timofeev, his deputies Demidov Konstantin, Buketov Wladyslaw. In doubt victory Kostusenko Ilya, Gorelov Artem and Smirnova Galina.

"A lot of things will depend on how will work opposition parties and whether they will be able to agree to win where there are the following United Russia party members having also few chances of a victory: Valentine Zakharkina, Latyshev Ilya, Dobryakov Andrey, Sedykh Alexander, Ionova Helena, Barkov Victor. Who becomes the receiver Buketov Wladyslaw on a post of the head of city office of "United Russia" Party too while difficult to tell, but, in my opinion, voluntary nobody will want to assume this freight and to become the switchman following the results of elections", – Vlasov Alexander considers.

the Ambiguous figure

Appointment Buketov Wladyslaw on a post of the head of a city cell of ruling party caused rough reaction in a political party of the region. For Novgorodians not a secret that it for many years worked with authoritative businessmen Mkhitaryan Telman (it is condemned in 2014 for economic crimes and it is sentenced to 13 years of a colony strictly a mode) and Kravchenko Nicholas (committed in January, 2014 suicide in the Kiev pre-trial detention center), being considered till 2007 fathers Veliky Novgorod.

the political career it began

in Council of Veliky Novgorod the third convocation which upon was created on Mkhitaryan Telman in 2004. In the summer of 2007 it was declared decriminalization of Novgorod Region. In August of the same year the president Vladimir Putin removed from a post of the governor Prusak Mikhail who at that time directed area of 16 years and was the favourite Boris Yeltsin. Sergey Mitin. Some months Novgorod Region did not descend from pages of newspapers and screens of TVs. Loud resignations, arrests, searches in houses and Mkhitaryan Telman and Kravchenko Nicholas who then left Russian Federation. As the final of political change-over in area and the city – the mayor Veliky Novgorod Grazhdankin Nicholas and Council of Veliky Novgorod resigned of the third convocation.

"Then it seemed to

that career Buketov Wladyslaw will be finished because Sergey Mitin repeatedly declared that will not work with those who was close to criminal authorities. But ability Buketov Wladyslaw to be guided in a situation and to ingratiate made the business, and it gradually entered a near circle of the ex-governor Sergey Mitin who from last year is appointed senator. In 2013 when there was a preparation for elections of the mayor Veliky Novgorod and City Council, whose powers will end this fall, there were conversations that Buketov Wladyslaw can become the new mayor. In my opinion, Sergey Mitin interfered with plans security officers and did not allow that Buketov Wladyslaw with such background held a post of the mayor", – the political strategist Ivanov Eugenie expressed opinion to the correspondent of Russian information agency "FederalPress".

the Desire to become after all the mayor at Buketov Wladyslaw was traced by

. In 2015 city deputies made an attempt to send the mayor Youri Ivanovich Bobryshev to resignation twice. Once they managed it, but the town governor was reinstated through court. In unsuccessful impeachments Buketov Wladyslaw played not the last role.

"After these unsuccessful attempts to send Youri Ivanovich Bobryshev to resignation the relations between Sergey Mitin and Buketov Wladyslaw as it seems to me, cracked. Then hearings began to appear that the post in city office of "United Russia" Party can leave Buketov Wladyslaw. However, I think, it happened now on set of all actions and the biography Buketov Wladyslaw", – Ivanov Eugenie added.

is not lucky with candidates and an appearance

on September 9 in Veliky Novgorod elections of deputies of City Council will take place. Now there is a reception of statements from candidates. Present municipal elections and their result are interesting to that the new structure of a thought on competition will elect the mayor as direct elections of the mayor were cancelled at the end of 2014.

"United Russia" Party practices some years primaries. Following the results of the straw vote which has taken place in June, Buketov Wladyslaw, already three times occupying a deputy chair, risks to release it. On primaries he lost in the one-mandatory constituency No. 8 to the ex-deputy Dobryakov Andrey and it appeared on the second place. Buketov Wladyslaw will go in the list, but there is a probability that it remains without mandate.

One more scandal casting a shadow on "United Russia" Party, burst at the end of June when the regional Committee of inquiry brought criminal case concerning the former deputy director MUNICIPAL UNITARY ENTERPRISE "GORODSKIYE BATH" and the winner of primaries in the one-mandatory constituency No. 1 3 Vlasyuk Oleg. Him accuse of fraud which caused damage of two million rubles. The regional office suspended recently membership Vlasyuk Oleg in the ranks, and at party conference was declared that instead of it on this district the employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Barkov Victor.

To all other, experts are sure and of a low appearance on elections. First, in Veliky Novgorod journey in public transport from 22 rubles to 25 on the transport Birch bark card and to 27 rubles for those who has no it rose in price. Secondly, since July 1 services Household management company rose in price and in August Novgorodians will receive new receipts where the sums will be higher. All this will negatively be reflected in desire of citizens to come to polling stations, the political scientist Vlasov Alexander sums up.

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 631
Vladimir Timofeev
Last position: Chairman (Council of Veliky Novgorod)
Youri Ivanovich Bobryshev
Main activity:Politician
Sergey Mitin
Last position: First deputy chairman (Committee Federation Council on agrarian and food policy and environmental management)
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
City administration
Government Agency