Semey made out credits on names of the acquaintances and did not repay them

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In Semey trustful inhabitants became victims of frauds. Semey by deception and arrangements made out credits in various banks of the second level addressed to the acquaintances.

Lately in the Department of Internal Affairs of Semey numerous statements from inhabitants started arriving. During trials it became clear, for a year the 34-year-old local resident, gaining the confidence of the acquaintances, asked to issue credit, proving that has no official income, and questions of solvency you should not worry. The woman assured that after registration credits will repay it independently and without complaints according to the monthly schedule payments loans. But she did not keep the promise.

police officers established Today 14 similar facts, total amount of damage of 8 million tenges. Criminal production under the article "fraud" is ended and transferred to court.

Department Internal affairs of East Kazakhstan region asks citizens to be vigilant and not to trust unfamiliar persons.
not to tell At all to the third parties the personal information.
Also police officers advise
to br to secure itself against the "sudden" credits, taken by the third parties on your name, it is necessary to carry out monitoring the credit history and quickly to react in case of detection of mistakes or inaccuracies in it.

press service of DVD of VKO